Microservice to determine the flight path of a person

Statement of the problem

Story: There are over 100,000 flights a day, with millions of people and cargo being transferred around the world. With so many people and different carrier/agency groups, it can be hard to track where a person might be. In order to determine the flight path of a person, we must sort through all of their flight records.

Goal: To create a simple microservice API that can help us understand and track how a particular person's flight path may be queried. The API should accept a request that includes a list of flights, which are defined by a source and destination airport code. These flights may not be listed in order and will need to be sorted to find the total flight paths starting and ending airports.

Idea of a possible solution

This is basically a graph problem and we can use the Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm to resolve it. More information about DFS is available here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/depth-first-search-or-dfs-for-a-graph/.

In the code, I am using directional search, i.e. all nodes should be reachable within the edges (flight -> flight -> flight without roll over to a different airport). Big credits to the https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/dominikbraun/graph library, since it already supports DFS; I used it as a base, cutting some unnecessary functions, and adapting it to the current task.

Implementation details:

  • Disconnected routes are not supported (example [["IND", "FDF"], ["DAD", "EED"]]), i.e. it will return back one of the route in the edge.
  • Integration-tests not included, since code don't have any external resources and logic embedded to single file.
  • Have protection against cycling, i.e [["IND", "IND"], ["DAD", "EED"]] will response with error.
  • Graph is based on Vertex and Edges, where Edges is the route and Vertex is the node.

Possible improvements

  • Include disconnected routes.
  • Weighted routing, where some routes might be faster then others.
  • Request and response might be using more complex types.
  • Integrated source point, i.e. user can select airport for departure


make up 

Execute test route with curl

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8080/calculate' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '[["IND", "EWR"], ["SFO", "ATL"], ["GSO", "IND"], ["GSO", "IND"], ["ATL", "GSO"]]'

Wrong routes examples

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8080/calculate' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '[["IND", "EWR"],["EWR", "EWR"]]'
{"error":"edge would create a cycle"}


Collections included.