
Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) Module for Node

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LQIP: Low Quality Images

LQIP: Low Quality Images Placeholder

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npm install @mole-inc/lqip

Usage Example

Generating Base64 from an image:

import lqip from "@mole-inc/lqip"

const file = `./dest/to/file/riding-a-bike.jpg`;

const res = await lqip(file).catch(err => {
// {
//   content: Buffer...,
//   metadata: {
//     originalWidth: 1400,
//     originalHeight: 700,
//     width: 14,
//     height: 7,
//     type: "jpeg",
//     dataURIBase64: ".....",
//   }
// }
// e.g. `<img src="${res.metadata.dataURIBase64}" lazy-src="${file}" >`

// or use `then`

lqip(file).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {

API Documentation

lqip(source: string | Buffer, options?: LqipOpitons): Promise<LqipResult>

default function

Name Description
source Path to image file or Buffer
options LqipOpitons (optional)
export interface LqipOpitons {
  width?: number;
  forceJimp?: boolean;
Field Default Description
width 14 resize width
forceJimp false When this is a falsy, use sharp to resize if installed.


export interface LqipResult {
  content: Buffer;
  metadata: {
    originalWidth: number;
    originalHeight: number;
    width: number;
    height: number;
    type: string;
    dataURIBase64: string;

Inspired by

Remarkable Mentions

  • Essential Image Optimization, An eBook by Addy Osmani link

Notes, Credits & License

This is a maintained fork of zouhir/lqip.
Original lqip is released under The MIT License by Zouhir Chahoud.

Please see LICENSE file