
A Japanese Adult Video scraper for XBMC


a xbmc scraper for your japanese adult video collection. Currently support

  • most censored film by arzon, dmm
  • uncensored film by 1pondo, caribbeancom, tokyohot, heyzo and those can be found on aventertainments.com
  • image video


This is a full functional scraper. By searching the id of your movie, you can get the complete information about your video, including poster, actor(with thunmbnali), title, year, genre, plot, etc.


  1. download the latest files from: https://github.com/laoyang945/javscraper/release
  2. upzip the file, copy/move the folders to xbmc addons folder (%appdata%\xbmc\addons in windows, ~/Library/Application Support/XBMC/addons in OSX and ~/.xbmc/addons in linux)
  3. Rename your video file such that all "_" are replaced by "-" and no space for heyzo
  4. Use scraper for corresponding content and update movie information
