
Advanced Database Access Service for Moleculer microservices framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Advanced Database Access Service for Moleculer microservices framework. Use it to persist your data in a database.

This project is in work-in-progress. Be careful using it in production.

this module follows the one database per service pattern. To learn more about this design pattern and its implications check this article. For multiple entities/tables per service approach check FAQ.


  • multiple pluggable adapters (NeDB, MongoDB, Knex)
  • common CRUD actions for RESTful API with caching
  • pagination, field filtering support
  • field sanitizations, validations
  • read-only, immutable, virtual fields
  • field permissions (read/write)
  • ID field encoding
  • data transformation
  • populating between Moleculer services
  • create/update/remove hooks
  • soft delete mode
  • scopes support
  • entity lifecycle events
  • Multi-tenancy


npm i @moleculer/database nedb

Installing nedb is optional. It can be good for prototyping.


Define the service

// posts.service.js

const DbService = require("@moleculer/database").Service;

module.exports = {
    name: "posts",
    mixins: [
            adapter: "NeDB"

    settings: {
        fields: {
            id: { type: "string", primaryKey: true, columnName: "_id" },
            title: { type: "string", max: 255, trim: true, required: true },
            content: { type: "string" },
            votes: { type: "number", integer: true, min: 0, default: 0 },
            status: { type: "boolean", default: true },
            createdAt: { type: "number", readonly: true, onCreate: () => Date.now() },
            updatedAt: { type: "number", readonly: true, onUpdate: () => Date.now() }

Call the actions

// sample.js

// Create a new post
let post = await broker.call("posts.create", {
    title: "My first post",
    content: "Content of my first post..."    
console.log("New post:", post);
/* Results:
New post: {
  id: 'Zrpjq8B1XTSywUgT',
  title: 'My first post',
  content: 'Content of my first post...',
  votes: 0,
  status: true,
  createdAt: 1618065551990

// Get all posts
let posts = await broker.call("posts.find", { sort: "-createdAt" });
console.log("Find:", posts);

// List posts with pagination
posts = await broker.call("posts.list", { page: 1, pageSize: 10 });
console.log("List:", posts);

// Get a post by ID
post = await broker.call("posts.get", { id: post.id });
console.log("Get:", post);

// Update the post
post = await broker.call("posts.update", { id: post.id, title: "Modified post" });
console.log("Updated:", post);

// Delete a user
const res = await broker.call("posts.remove", { id: post.id });
console.log("Deleted:", res);

Try it in your browser on repl.it


You can find here the documentation.


There is some benchmark with all adapters. You can find the results here.


The project is available under the MIT license.


Copyright (c) 2022 MoleculerJS

@MoleculerJS @MoleculerJS