Can I call service of the normal moleculer api node?
AruXc opened this issue · 2 comments
AruXc commented
I have a namespace called api_dev
and normal moleculer can detect moleculer-apollo
const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const broker = new ServiceBroker();
module.exports = {
name: 'greeter',
actions: {
hello: {
graphql: {
query: 'hello: String'
async handler(ctx) {
const res = await'test.hello');
console.log('User: ', res);
return 'Hello Moleculer!';
am I wrong? nice to have a example thanks
"message": "Service 'test.hello' is not found.",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
"exception": {
"code": 404,
"data": {
"action": "test.hello"
"retryable": true,
"ctx": null,
"stacktrace": [
"ServiceNotFoundError: Service 'test.hello' is not found.",
" at ServiceBroker.findNextActionEndpoint (/Users/aru/Desktop/WanFang/onecare_server/node_modules/moleculer/src/service-broker.js:849:13)",
Hugome commented
Your broker same to be alone, with only the "gretter" service. (Line 2: const broker = new ServiceBroker();
No transporter seem configured (Do you use env variables for that ?)
AruXc commented
I used TCP transporter transporter: 'TCP'
in moleculer.config.js
and I set the options to the broker
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
nodeID: 'dev_aru',
namespace: "oneapi_dev",
transporter: 'TCP',
logLevel: 'debug',
requestTimeout: 5 * 1000
apollo Node onecare_aru
[2019-10-25T17:54:36.651Z] INFO onecare_aru/API: Call custom function in ' * /graphql => <Function>' alias
[2019-10-25T17:54:36.654Z] WARN dev_aru/BROKER: Service 'test.helloTest' is not registered.
node dev_aru
[2019-10-25T17:53:10.959Z] INFO dev_aru/REGISTRY: Node 'onecare_aru' reconnected.
still no work
btw can I use api/$node/list
to find node list which in the moleculer?