- 0
err.originalError in formatError does not include Error code, type and data information
#124 opened by valeeum - 5
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './public/extractFiles' is not defined by "exports" in /app/node_modules/extract-files/package.json
#121 opened by irzhywau - 13
Upgrading to Apollo Server 3.x
#100 opened by abdavid - 0
Upgrade npm lodash and node-fetch
#119 opened by fibonacci998 - 3
can we pass schema to Apollo Service Mixin
#114 opened by iasbm - 1
Query Root type must be provided
#108 opened by fabiokounang - 8
Updated to 0.3.5 produced critical failure
#103 opened by dokutoshi - 1
- 2
can i get requested fields in resolve
#111 opened by sunhaolin - 1
Error thrown from runHttpQuery results in "Headers have already sent." warning from moleculer-web
#109 opened by kthompson23 - 1
An error occurs as define __resolveType function in resolvers with a certain Moleculer action
#101 opened by khangca1tex - 2
- 0
Unable to compile GraphQL schema
#107 opened by fabiokounang - 4
[subscriptions] custom onConnect
#104 opened by AndreMaz - 2
master PR is not deployed on npm
#102 opened by dhavalsoni9989 - 5
graphql with subscriptions disconnect
#97 opened by mabc224 - 0
- 5
ctx undefined on subscription
#84 opened by palpinter - 3
onAfterCall function is not being called
#92 opened by ealejandromt - 0
- 7
Using Moleculer Apollo Server in a NATS configured environment with multiple replicas.
#83 opened by abdavid - 3
413 graphql error
#80 opened by cr1979 - 5
serverOptions context - How do you auth?
#58 opened by itacirgabral - 1
gql function export incorrect
#94 opened by TrungRueta - 1
How Graphql subscription can be added in project?
#89 opened by mabc224 - 0
Promise based makeExecutableSchema service method
#88 opened by valeeum - 2
- 1
Action specific options
#85 opened by kthompson23 - 3
- 1
Can't override PubSub implementation
#82 opened by jasondarwin - 1
How to upload a file?
#81 opened by ghosh-jaideep - 15
Can't override `onConnect` for subscriptions
#75 opened by NickClark - 2
- 4
File upload issue
#77 opened by dg92 - 7
Subscription and service level resolver
#72 opened by palpinter - 1
Should not call installSubscriptionHandlers when serverOptions.subscriptions is false
#64 opened by silvacpp - 1
- 3
Return ENUM in Action
#70 opened by Tautorn - 2
- 3
- 4
Type definitions
#54 opened by NickClark - 1
Need help to create pagination
#60 opened by Tautorn - 2
Testing GraphQL Services?
#59 opened by robodude666 - 2
Extending types across services
#48 opened by shlomokraus - 1
- 2
- 3
- 0
Please remove the [WIP]
#49 opened by timsayshey - 3
More descriptive GQL Schema Errors
#46 opened by timsayshey - 2
Error: Query root type must be provided.
#45 opened by timsayshey