Pinned issues
- 0
Support 32 digit trace ids in jaeger tracing exporter to be compatible with open telemetry trace context
#1311 opened by Jank1310 - 1
Is there a Java version of moleculer-channels?
#1293 opened by KaneOne - 1
Memory leak when a call to an action stream fails
#1296 opened by Thalandor - 7
New type for ServiceSchema breaks ServiceBroker.createService and interface Options
#1297 opened by jeffrson - 0
- 0
- 0
- 4
Add ScyllaDB Adapter to MoleculerJS
#1298 opened by azita-abdollahi - 4
Can the dependencies in service.js and the waitForServices function support the ability to pass in a nodeID when passing in the serviceName?
#1217 opened by baozhoutao - 0
Number key in cacher breaks when maxParamsLength is set and keys are specified
#1289 opened by leiyangyou - 0
Mixin application order
#1288 opened by leiyangyou - 2
Bun runtime
#1283 opened by publicvirtualvoid - 1
- 2
using grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-obfuscator') cause service event context lost, always undefind
#1285 opened by lling1105 - 1
How to use glob pattern in docker compose?
#1278 opened by dalmatele - 1
Default cache cleaner mixin not working
#1279 opened by Kathir-1995 - 1
How to deploy molecular to AWS lambda?
#1277 opened by 1001pranav - 1
- 3
Installation fails for Node 20 LTS
#1271 opened by marceliwac - 4
Need replacement for kafka transporter
#1200 opened by nimdeveloper - 1
moleculer crash if ioredis can not change state to "ready"
#1257 opened by 0x0a0d - 0
Redis SSL URI not reconized as a Redis type discoverer
#1259 opened by Freezystem - 0
Update the badge of Twitter to 𝕏
#1254 opened by BandhiyaHardik - 2
Add chunking (streaming) to broker.broadcast
#1251 opened by jeffrson - 1
Documentation on cache lock does not match the source
#1252 opened by ponez - 1
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Native cache does not save response headers
#1242 opened by 524c - 1
Encryption error on GOSSIP packets
#1222 opened by tprigent - 12
Performance issue with NATS transporter (v2.x.x)
#1237 opened by icebob - 2
Hot reload circular dependency in monorepos
#1220 opened by ishfx - 4
Load Balancing on custom metric
#1234 opened by sysrun - 1
moleculer-amqp-queue issue
#1231 opened by CodeFox1119 - 2
When retry is enabled, all exceptions return 404
#1224 opened by zhr6525 - 4
Transaction RollBack Option
#1219 opened by JapaharJose - 4
Circuit breaker not working
#1202 opened by zhr6525 - 1
Feature Request - Complete TypeScript Implementation
#1215 opened by zolero - 0
service schema routes can not use service like broker
#1214 opened by 532815096 - 3
Use broker Runner: Service name can't be empty
#1213 opened by 532815096 - 1
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Enhance the moleculer ecosystem
#1203 opened by ishfx - 4
Hot reload is not working with this demo
#1174 opened by icex - 4
debounced localServiceChanged breaking with NATS
#1185 opened by alvaroinckot - 3
Registry with TCP transport in docker is working wrong
#1180 opened by intech - 10
Nats upgrade to jetstream
#1178 opened by gedw99 - 8
Use of __proto__ seems discouraged
#1169 opened by gautaz - 2
Getting **Parsing failed at** error while calling garphql mutation for upload image
#1160 opened by amitpatel9169 - 1
no clean exit on shutdown, with disableBalancer: true
#1167 opened by me23 - 0
RestSchema not allowed as array in `rest`
#1166 opened by danieledraganti - 1