
Clone reducing script used in Estep et al. (2014).

Primary LanguagePerl


Author: Michael R. McKain

Version 1.1, October 2014

Contact: https://github.com/mrmckain


Clone_reducer identifies clades in a gene tree that comprise a single accession/species with a bootstrap value greater than or equal to what the user chooses. The clade is reduced to a consensus sequence and a new alignment file is written. The consensus is based on majority rules.

Clone reducing script used in Estep et al. (2014). doi: 10.1073/pnas.1404177111


Condensed Clones File:

Final alignment file with sequences reduced.


Log of clones that were condensed given accession identifier.

Removed Clones:

Sequences of clones that were condensed.


perl clone_reducer.pl -alignment file -tree file [options]


-alignment 			Alignment file in FASTA format used to produce gene tree
-tree 				Newick tree file created from alignment
-percent_length 	Percent in decimal format of unaligned sequence to alignment length [Default: 0.5]
-bootstrap 			Minimum bootstrap value for clade to be considered for consensus sequence [Default: 50]
-consensus 			Flag to output consensus sequence of clones
-longest 			Flag to output longest sequence of clones
-help 				Brief help message
-man 				Full documentation