
ASP.NET 5 based rutha stack

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

rutha.net - ASP.NET 5 with Angular#

Pure pragmatic ASP.NET 5 front end workflow stack

For updates, read changelog

Last update: 0.3.1


  • Uses Mono 3.12.0 and up with ruthanet_deploy ansible / vagrant machine
  • rutha-dotnet-grunt-tasks frontend tasks


  1. Create folder e.g. my_disrupting_dotcom
  2. Clone to my_app_name dir
  3. Clone ruthanet_deploy to my_app_env dir
  4. Configure Vagrantfile in my_app_env
  # Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is
  # the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
  # the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
  # argument is a set of non-required options.
  config.vm.synced_folder "~/Code/rutha.net", "/home/vagrant/repos/rutha.net"
  1. Configure Gruntfile in my_app_name dir
        data: {
            deploySettings: {
              ruthaDeploy: '/home/rutha_user/rutha_deploy',
              playbook: '/home/rutha_user/provisioning/playbook.yml',
              hosts: {
                production: {
                  name: 'aws',
                  sshKey: '/home/rutha_user/site.pem',
                  remoteUser: 'app'
                staging: {
                  name: 'azure',
                  sshKey: '/home/rutha_user/staging.pem',
                  remoteUser: 'app'
                vagrant: {
                  name: 'all',
                  remoteUser: 'vagrant'
  1. Run vagrant up in my_app_env dir or preferably grunt stagelocal in my_app_name dir
  2. Run vagrant ssh into ruthanet_deploy


  1. Either run ./setup_kvm.sh or commands below

Command Help

  • grunt serve: serves k kestrel and watches for changes
  • npm start: Runs k kestrel without watching CSS and JS changes
  • kpm restore: Restore packages

To start developing ASP.NET 5

  1. Install dependencies with npm install (which runs kpm restore as a postinstall script)
  2. Run apps with grunt serve
  3. Go to

Issues with kvm ?


  • export KRE_FEED="https://www.nuget.org/api/v2"
  • rm -rf ~/.k/runtimes/
  • kvm install 1.0.0-beta2

Maintainers, notes

Maintain by Rogelio Morrell C.


Feel free to fork.