The Virtual Hayes Compatible Modem script for Linux.
This might be an outdated version of the script. The most recent version can be obtained at: !
- 1.5.0 changed default IP address from 192.168.0.x to 10.0.100.x to not conflict with common IP ranges
- 1.5.1 vmodem is no longer assuming eth0 is the primary network card on linux machine. This can now be changed on by way of variable $etherp. So if your Raspberry Pi is connected over wifi, set it to wlan0
- 1.5.2 added command "ipaddr" to show vmodem host's IP address
- 1.5.3 explicitly set the terminal newline to CR/LF instead of assuming it. This will avoid some terminals such as xterm which default to it just sending LF as newline.