
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mollie Bootsma

Meal Time!


A simple app to help organize recipes, track meals, and plan future meals.

Use Case

The average user would be one looking to combine multiple apps with a recipe database/posting board.

Minimum Viable Product
  • User registration
  • User login/signout
  • User dashboard with saved recipes
  • Search through database of recipes and add favorites to list
  • Add recipes to calendar for meal planning
Tools for MVP
  • VisualStudio Code
  • React Native
  • Spoonacular API
  • Firebase/Firestore
  • Less.js
  • Google Calendar
Additional Features
  • Track calories
  • Suggested meals based on preferences
  • Visualize meal data over a certain time period
Tools for Additional Features

(List the tools, frameworks, libraries, APIs, modules, resources, languages, etc that will be used to create your additional features. Be specific.) * *