
ROS package for loading data created by the Needle Master game. Adds Python tools. C++ version in development.

Primary LanguagePython


To use this code, download the game Needle Master from the Google Play store. Go into options and enable data collection. Then, plug your Android device into a computer, go to the storage, and copy out the files from the needle_master_trials folder.

Installing the requirements for this python module is as simple as calling python setup.py develop --user

To run DQN on an example environment, call python3 -m rainbow_dqn.main data/environment_14.txt

To run PPO on an example envrionment, go to lifan2/DDPG_TD3, call python3 -m main_PPO [data/environment_14.txt(choose environment)] [image or state(choose to use state or image)]

To run PPO from image cat state on an example envrionment, go to lifan2/DDPG_TD3, call python3 -m main_PPO_image_state [data/environment_14.txt(choose environment)]