
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An architecture for learning the feature representations for target re-identification in long-term DCF Tracking


The KCF with HOG feature tracker in baseline referenced pyTrackers under the MIT license.
The DCFNet baseline in models referenced DCFNet under the MIT license.


See requirement.txt


KCF with HOG

KCF_HOG() in baseline/kcf.py is the only version, used in testing and demo


DCFNet() in models/DCFnet.py is for training, which takes (template, search) as input for the forward method
DCFNet() in models/DCFnet_track.py is for tracking and re-id testing in test.py, which only takes (search) as input for the forward method, and updates the template in the update method.
DCFNetTracker() in models/DCFnet_track.py can be used for continous tracking with the track method and re-id testing with the runResponseAnalysis, runRotationAnalysis methods


SqueezeCFNet() in models/squeezeCFnet.py is for training, which takes (template, search, negative) as input for the forward method
SqueezeCFNet() in models/squeezeCFnet_track.py is for tracking and re-id testing in test.py, which only takes (search) as input for the forward method, and updates the template in the update method.
SqueezeCFNetTracker() in models/squeezeCFnet_track.py can be used for continous tracking with the track method and re-id testing with the runResponseAnalysis, runRotationAnalysis methods
SqueezeCFNet_light() and SqueezeCFNetTracker_light() in models/squeezeCFnet_track.py is for tracking and speed testing in speed_test.py, which skips the encoding stage and only process the shallow part of the network in forward pass.

Step 1: Curate dataset

  • Raw training and validation data are downloaded from FathomNet using the fathomnet-py API. Examples of the raw FathomNet data are curate_dataset/data_sample/FathomNet_sample.*
  • Then run curate_dataset/gen_patch.py to generate training and validation image patches. Replace folder_list directory to the root directory of raw FathomNet data, and dataset_root directory with a new directory for generated training and validation image patches.
  • Then run curate_dataset/gen_json.py (Replace dataset_root with the directory of the generated image patches) to generate the dataset json file that links to all the image patches. Some examples of the json files are curate_dataset/data_sample/FathomNet*.json

Step 2: Train

Train SqueezeCFNet

$ python train.py --dataset <path-to-dataset *.json file> [options]

Train DCFNet

$ python train_DCFNet.py --dataset <path-to-dataset *.json file> [options]

Step 3: Test and Demo

Testing on re-identification performance

$ python test.py --seq-root <root directory to image sequence folders> --json-path <path to dataset *.json file> --test-mode <0:re-id on image sequence, 1:re-id on FathomNet training set, 2:re-id on transformation>
  • Test mode 1: re-id on labeled images from image sequence data
  • Test mode 2: re-id on FathomNet training images
  • Test mode 3: re-id on images from the image sequence data after transformations (rotations, flipping etc.)

Test image sequence folder structure

The image sequences for testing need to be of the following structure. Each image sequence comes from a continous tracked video. The anntoation is done at every 50 frames using the VGG Image Annotator. An example of the json annotation file can be found at curate_dataset/data_sample/annotation.json.

├── seq-root
│   ├── seq1
│   │   ├── *.jpg
│   │   ├── str(frame_number).zfill(6).jpg
│   │   ├── *.jpg
│   │   ├── annotation.json
│   ...
│   ├── seqN
│   │   ├── *.jpg
│   │   ├── str(frame_number).zfill(6).jpg
│   │   ├── *.jpg
│   │   ├── annotation.json


  • Demo
    Use the function processImSeq in demo.py to perform tracking in continous image sequences.
    Use the function analyzeImSeq in demo.py to get confidence scores on all labeled object from three different types of trackers.
    need to update the image sequence directory in script before use.
  • Speed test
    Run speed_test.py and replace the image sequence directory in script before use.