
A high level pandas add-on to make dealing with psychological data quick and simple.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A high level pandas add-on to make dealing with psychological data quick and simple.

Current version 1.0

Comprised of two classes psyMeasure and psyDataset. psyMeasure is a class that casts portions of pandas DataFrames into an object that then handles all of the routine data conditioning, including: missing data, outliers, reverse keying, and scale scoring. psyDataset isan object that casts the entire dataset into multiple psyMeasures. psyDataset can treat all of the measures similarly and quickly, or each measure can be specified seperately. psyDataset uses all of the specifications that are present in psyMeasures, but also incorporates careless responding screening.


psyMeasure is a class used for making and manipulating psychological measures from pandas dataframes.

    data: Takes a pandas dataframe containing the columns that will be used
    columns: a list of the columns in the pandas dataframe that should be used when creating the measure, 
             default is 'all' which uses all of the columns in the dataframe.
    reverseKey: Takes a list of the columns local to psy measure e.g., column 0 = the first column in the measure
                 reverse keys the columns provided according to the anchors provided in the anchors argument.
    scoring: Takes a string and is used to determine the aggregation method to be used for aggregating item level 
             data to the scale level. Available arguments currently include 'mean', 'sum', and 'factor'.
                 'mean': scores according to the arithmetic mean of the items
                 'sum': scores according to the sum of the items
                 'z' : scores according to the z score of the summed items (i.e., (x-mean(x))/sd(x))
                 'factor': scores according to the factor score (i.e., the factor loading weighted average) corrected
                           for directionality (i.e., will correlate positively with other scoring methods)
    anchors: Takes either a tuple containing two integer values, or the default term, 'infer'. Used for determining 
             fuctions based on the anchors as well as describing the measure in a more complete manner. 'infer'
             infers the anchors by taking the minimum and maximum item responses for the entire scale and assumes
             that those are the anchors. If concerned, pass the tuple argument instead.
    missImp: Takes a string which determines what should be done with missing data in rows that are not missing
             beyond the tolerance proportion. Default is row mean imputation.
                 'mean': imputes the row mean
                 'median': imputes the row median
                 'mode': imputes the row mode, in the event of two modes the median of them will be chosen
                 'imean': imputes the item mean
                 'imedian': imputes the item median
                 'imode': imputes the item mode, in the event of two modes the median of them will be chosen
    missTol: Takes a proportion. If a larger proportion of this row is missing than the tolerance level, the row
             will be deleted. if the missingness proportion is lower than the tolerance, the missing data will be
             imputed according to the method specified in missImp. Default is .5.
    scaleName: Takes a string to serve as the official name of the scale. If left blank the default 'Scale' will 
               be used.
    outsVal: Takes a float or integer. Entry serves as the critical value for determining the cutoff point for
             outlying data. default is 3.29, corresponding to a .001 two sided significance.
    outsMeth: Takes a string containing either 'z' or 'hi'. Denotes the method to be used for determining outliers. 
              Currently takes two possible arguments. 'z' finds outliers by the z score method. 'hi' finds outliers
              using hampel identifiers (i.e., (x - median(x))/median absolute deviation * .675). The .675 is just a
              constant included to make the scaling more similar to Z.
    data: returns a pandas DataFrame containing the item level data.
    rev_cols: returns a list containing the index of the columns that are being reverse keyed.
    score: returns a pandas series of the aggregated scale score.
    scale_variance: returns the variance of the scale.
    item_variances: returns a pandas series containing the variances of each item
    alpha: returns the alpha of the scale for examining the internal consistency of the scale.
    full_data: returns a pandas dataframe with the item level data followed by the aggregated scale score.
    itr: returns a pandas series of the item total correlations for each item
    citr: returns a pandas series of the item total correlations after correcting for the relationship inflation
          caused by including the item of interest in the total.
    factorLoadings: return a pandas DataFrame containing the raw factor loadings in the first column and the 
                    standardized factor loadings in the second column
    alphaIfItemDel: returns a pandas series containing the alpha if the item were deleted
    varIfItemDel: returns a pandas series containing the scale variance if the item were deleted
    psychometrics: returns a pandas dataframe containing all relevant psychometrics, including:
                       mean : item mean
                       sd : item standard deviation
                       var : item variance
                       min : item minimum response
                       max : item maximum response
                       ITr : item total correlation
                       CITr : corrected item total correlation
                       rawLoadings : raw factor loadings
                       stdLoadings : standardized factor loadings
                       varIfItemDel : variance if item deleted
                       RelIfItemDel : reliability if item deleted
    dropByRel: takes a reliability threshold argument, default is .7. Drops items from scale according to largest 
               increase in alpha until reliability meets or exceeds threshold.
    dropByCITr: takes a CITr threshold agrument, default is .5. Drops items from scale according to lowest CITr
                until scale is composed solely of items above the threshold.
    dropByLoading: takes a factor loading threshold agrument, default is .5. Drops items from scale according to 
                   lowest factor loading until scale is composed solely of items above the threshold.


psyDataset is a class composed of many psyMeasures, for the purpose of scoring and cleaning psychological datasets


data: Takes a pandas dataframe containing all of the item level data for the dataset from which scales will be made

columns: Takes a list of lists, each sub-list contains the columns for each of the scales. For example if you wanted 
         to make three scales out with the first three items of the dataset in the first scale, the second two items 
         in the second scale and the last 4 items in the third scale the argument would look like this.
             cols = [[0,1,2],
             psyDataset(data = df, columns = cols, names = nams)
names: Takes a list of strings that contain the desired names of each scale in the order that the columns were
       designated. For example, lets say the first scale should be called 'Extraversion', the
       second scale should be called 'Agreeableness', and the third scale, 'Conscientiousness'.
           nams = ['Extraversion',
           psyDataset(data = df, columns = cols, names = nams)
scoring: Takes either a single string if scoring is consistent across all scales, or a list of strings if scoring
         differs for each scale. This is what will be used to determine how to aggregate data from the item level to
         the scale level. Supported aggregation methods currently include:
             'mean': scores according to the arithmetic mean of the items, this is the default option
             'sum': scores according to the sum of the items
             'z' : scores according to the z score of the summed items (i.e., (x-mean(x))/sd(x))
             'factor': scores according to the factor score (i.e., the factor loading weighted average) corrected
                       for directionality (i.e., will correlate positively with other scoring methods)
         For example, lets say we wanted the first scale to be scored using means, the second to be scored using
         z scores, and the third to be a factor score.
             sco = ['mean',
             psyDataset(data = df, columns = cols, names = nams, scoring = sco)
reverseKeys: Takes a list of lists that contain the columns (local to each scale) that should be reverse keyed. Empty
             lists should be included for scales that don't have any reverse keys. If there are no reverse keyed
             items in the dataset leave this argument blank. Remember the reverse keying columns are local to that
             scale. So if this scale starts on column 5, and goes to column 10, and you want to reverse key the first
             and fourth item in the scale, the reverse key list should look like [0,3]. Carrying on our example from
             above, lets say we wanted no reverse keys in the first scale, the second item of the second scale reverse
             keyed, and the first and third item of the the third scale to be reverse keyed. 
                 rk = [[],
                 psyDataset(data = df, columns = cols, names = nams, reverseKeys = rk)
anchors: Takes either the string 'infer', one tuple of anchors for the entire dataset (e.g., 1,5), or a list of
         of tuples containing the anchors for each scale. 'infer' takes the minimum item response for the scale, and
         sets that to the lower anchor, and takes the maximum item response for the scale and sets that to the upper
         anchor. For example, if the first scale is on a 7 point, the second on a 5, and the third on a 7. 
                anc = [(1, 7),
                       (1, 5),
                       (1, 7)]
                psyDataset(data = df, columns = cols, names = nams, reverseKeys = rk, anchors = anc)
missImp: Takes a string which determines what should be done with missing data in rows that are not missing
         beyond the tolerance proportion. Default is row mean imputation.
             'mean': imputes the row mean
             'median': imputes the row median
             'mode': imputes the row mode
             'imean': imputes the item mean
             'imedian': imputes the item median
             'imode': imputes the item mode, in the event of multiple modes it takes the median
             'regression': uses the available data to impute missing data using a regression trained on the present
         Alternatively, takes a list of strings denoting what should be done with each scale to be measured in the

missTol: Takes a proportion. If a larger proportion of this row is missing than the tolerance level, the row
         will be deleted. if the missingness proportion is lower than the tolerance, the missing data will be
         imputed according to the method specified in missImp. Default is .5. Alternatively, takes a list of
         proportions to be used for each scale.

outsMeths: Takes a string containing either 'z' or 'hi'. Denotes the method to be used for determining outliers. 
           Currently takes two possible arguments. 'z' finds outliers by the z score method. 'hi' finds outliers
           using hampel identifiers (i.e., (x - median(x))/median absolute deviation * .675). The .675 is just a
           constant included to make the scaling more similar to Z.

outsVals: Takes a float or integer. Entry serves as the critical value for determining the cutoff point for
          outlying data. default is 3.29, corresponding to a .001 two sided significance.

CRItems: Takes a list containing the columns that are being used to identify careless responders.

CRKey: Takes a list containing the correct answers for the careless responding items. 

CRTol: The number of careless responding items that can be missed before the case is considered a careless
       responder. Default value is 0.