
https://yonash.dev personal website for my dev stuff

Primary Languagetempl

Codebase for my portfolio website




Project overview

yonash.dev is a SPA app powered by a simple server-side rendering Go service


  • Go web server
  • templ for template generation


  • HTMX + TailwindCSS

Project structure

Project structure follows golang-standards/project-layout

├── cmd/                        -- app entrypoints
│   └── cmd/server/main.go      -- server main entrypoint
└── internal/                   -- internal packaged
    └── web/                    -- static web assets, server side templates 
        ├── assets/
        ├── static/
        └── templates/          -- go templ components
    └── content/                -- content data for pages


❗️ Please make sure that you have installed the executable files for all the necessary tools before starting your project. Exactly:

To start your project, run the makefile command in your terminal:

make run


The backend part is located in the *.go files in your project folder.

The ./internal/web/templates folder contains Templ templates that you can use in your frontend part. Also, the ./internal/web/assets folder contains the styles.scss (main styles) and scripts.js (main scripts) files.

The ./internal/web/static folder contains all the static files: icons, images, PWA (Progressive Web App) manifest and other builded/minified assets.

To tests CDN run the program with CDN_URL parameter.