
Arch Linux based OpenWrt buildroot docker image

MIT LicenseMIT

Arch Linux based OpenWrt Buildroot

Docker Build Status GitHub license

This is an Arch Linux based docker container for the OpenWrt buildroot.

Derived from noonien

Because the build system requires that its commands are not executed by root, the user openwrt was created. The buildroot can be found in /home/openwrt/openwrt.


Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/jannispinter/arch-openwrt-buildroot.git

Build the docker image

cd arch-openwrt-buildroot
docker build -t="arch-openwrt-buildroot:trunk" .

The dot at the end indicates that docker build will use the current directory to find the Dockerfile.


1. Run the docker image

docker run -i -t arch-openwrt-buildroot:trunk

2. You might want to install all the feeds

./scripts/feeds install -a

3. Configure your OpenWrt image

make menuconfig

Follow the official OpenWrt Buildroot instructions: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/build

Copy OpenWrt images to host system

You can use docker cp to copy the binary image out of the container to your host system.

docker cp <containerId>:/home/openwrt/openwrt/bin/<arch>/<imagefile.bin> /host/path/target