This project contains a bash script ( which compiles libtomcrypt for iOS. I have also included the libtomcrypt and libtommath distributions which were current at the time of writing this project. You should however not blindly trust me and use them! Put on your tinfoil hat and validate the signatures. As with all cryptographic software, you should check if there is a more current version available.
A Mac with Xcode 5.1. Using other Xcode versions requires editing the build script.
Optionally, GPG and
Check for a more current version of libtomcrypt and libtommath. Please, file a bug report using this repository’s issue tracker if there is a more current version available.
Optionally, when using the embedded source files, check their signature:
gpg —verify-files *.sig
git clone --depth=1
If you are not the embedded libtomcrypt or libtomath versions, not using Xcode 5.1, or not using the iOS 7.1 SDK, edit
and change the version numbers. -
according to your requirements. By default, only SHA1, SHA256 and RSA are enabled! A list of configuration options is available in libtomcrypt’ssrc/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h
and libtomcrypt’s documentation. The contents of the configuration file will be inserted into tomcrypt’s custom header file during build-time. -
If everything went well, header files and library files can be found in the same directory as the build script.