
Generate UI at runtime with xml.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


XML layout for flutter. Layout your UI via xml at runtime. and support extending any customer widget. Here is a online preview.

Getting Started

write xml layout file like:


<Text mainAxisAlignment="center">
    <for count="6">
        <Text>$item, You have pushed the button this many times:</Text>
    <Text id="text-id">
            <TextStyle color="red"/>


    temp: snapshot.data,
    objects: {
        "counter": _counter

In this case

$counter for passing argument to the layout.

id attribute for selecting the widget or state.

XMLLayoutState state = ...;
// find the key of the Text 
GlobalKey key = state.find('text-id');


  • register
    • description: Register a constructor. It could convert a xml element to target object.
 * Register a constructor
 * xml:
 * <MyClass width="10" height="10" />
XMLLayout.register('MyClass', (node, key) {
    return MyClass(
        key: key,
        child: node.child<Widget>(),
        width: node.s<double>("width"),
        height: node.s<double>("height"),
  • registerEnum
    • description: A shortcat to register a enum class. It could convert a attribute to the enum.
* Register a enum type
* xml:
* <Text textAlign="center">str</Text>
  • registerInline(Type type, String name, bool field, InlineItemConstructor constructor)
    • description: Register a constructor which could convert a attribute to target type.
    • arguments:
      • field this constructor is for a static field or a constructor.
 * <Text fontWeight="w200">str</Text>
XmlLayout.registerInline(FontWeight, "w200", true, (node, method) {
  return FontWeight.w200;

 * <Text textHeightBehavior="fromEncoded(20)">str</Text>
XmlLayout.registerInline(TextHeightBehavior, "fromEncoded", false,
      (node, method) {
  return TextHeightBehavior.fromEncoded(int.tryParse(method[0]));

node.s<T>("name"), node.attribute<T>("name") convert subnode to target type

node.t<T>(), node.convert<T>() convert this node to target type

node.v<T>("value"), node.value<T>("value") convert text to target type

Widget Builder

<ListView.separated itemCount="$itemCount">
        <Function returnType="Widget">
            <!-- get arguments of function via args -->
            <SetArgument return="index" argument="${args[1]}"/>
            <Call function="$getItem" return="itemData">
                <!-- pass argument to getItem function -->
                <Argument value="$index"/>
            <!-- The last element of Function tag would be the final result -->


        set("index", ${args[1]})
        set("itemData", getItem($index))
    <!-- same as -->
    <SetArgument return="index" argument="${args[1]}"/>
    <Call function="$getItem" return="itemData">
        <Argument value="$index"/>
    <!-- end(same as) -->



Method could be registerd via XmlLayout.registerInlineMethod, and can be used in a Xml attribute or Script tag.

Default methods:

  • isEmpty(a) => a.isEmpty()
  • isNotEmpty(a) => a.isNotEmpty()
  • equal(a, b, ...) => a == b ...
  • net(a, b) => a != b
  • mod(a, b) => a % b
  • div(a, b) => a / b
  • set(name, a) => env[name] = a
  • not(a) => !a
  • lt(a, b) => a < b
  • nlt(a, b) => a >= b
  • gt(a, b) => a > b
  • ngt(a, b) => a <= b
  • plus(a, b, ...) => a + b ...
  • minus(a, b, ...) => a - b ...
  • multiply(a, b, ...) => a * b ...
  • divide(a, b, ...) => a / b ...

Control Flow

A util to control the rendering logic. like:

<for count="$counter">
    <Text>$item, You have pushed the button this many times:</Text>
    <if candidate="equal(1, mod($item, 2))">
        <Text>Test text</Text>
  • if tag is a if control flow.
    • attributes:
      • candidate a Boolean value, if true the children would be rendered, otherwise not be rendered.
  • else tag is a else control flow, could be placed after if or another else tag.
    • attributes:
      • candidate same as if tag.
  • for tag is a loop control flow.
    • attributes:
      • array a List value, iterates over array elements, each element for children one time.
      • count a Integer value, iterates children the value times. It is mutually exclusive with the array attribute.
      • item a String value, the name of each element, default is item.
      • index a String value, the name of the index of element, default is index.


You can write a script to generate the constructor code. In the example test.dart is the builder script.

Builder options:

  • entry_name
    • default: types
    • type: List<Type>
    • description: types in this list which will be processed.
  • collections_name
    • default: collections
    • type: List<Collection>
    • description: Collection type is used to process the collection class, such as: Colors and Icons.

ps: Colors and Icons is preprocessed just import it via:

import 'package:xml_layout/types/colors.dart' as colors;
import 'package:xml_layout/types/icons.dart' as icons;

// ...

  • coverts_name
    • default: converts
    • type: Map<String, String>
    • description: Every import uri will be test by the key value pair in this variable. if a import source uri is start with the key then it will be convert to the value.
  • imports_name
    • default: imports
    • type: List<String>
    • description: Extension import uris which will be write to the generated code.



import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

const List<Type> types = [


          - lib/test.dart

Create the files above, then just run flutter pub run build_runner build. And you will get the generated code in lib/test.xml_layout.dart.