
The Time Waster aka BigMT iOS App

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


The Time Waster aka BigMT iOS App

Work still in progress.

If you would like to participate in the project testing via Test Flight, please talk to me or e-mail molotov2k -a- gmail.com.


  • If you have any questions and/or suggestions - I would totally love to talk to you. Please don't hesitate to contact!

  • Any bug reports are highly appreciated. I will include all and everyone helping with them in project notes. Should it be worth anything for you.

  • Any improvement suggestions would be awesome!

  • I hate UI. I don't want to deal with UI. So if you are willing to help me improve it in any way - I would be very, very grateful. Please talk to me!


  • You won't be able to use the app without a PAID developer account as it is required to use CloudKit framework.

  • This app uses your iTunes account. Thus in order to use it for the first run in simulator (fix coming) you will have to login into your iCloud / iTunes account with simulator! In order to do so press home button, go to settings and login there.

  • Push notifications will not work in simulator. Should you want to test them - you will have to upload app to actual device.


If you're an accomplished developer and for some reason looking into this project don't be too hard on me. I'm coding for only 5 months and only a month into the bootcamp. I'm doing the best I can! If you have any comments - I would love to hear them.