

Primary LanguageShell


1. momacs command-line utility

The momacs utility alleviates the pain of performing common and often long, repetitive, and error-prone tasks (e.g., downloading the latest versions of PRAM). Currently supported operating systems are: FreeBSD, MacOS, and Ubuntu.

1.1. Installing


First, make sure you have curl and git installed on your system. You're set on MacOS. On FreeBSD, do:

sudo pkg install -y curl git

On Ubuntu, do:

sudo apt install -y curl git


To download the utility and make it executable, run the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/bin
cd ~/bin
curl -s -o momacs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/momacs/misc/master/bin/momacs
chmod u+x momacs

To add the ~/bin to the PATH (and to have that change reflected in the current terminal session), run:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

1.2. Using

To see the list of available commands, simply invoke it:


1.3. Updating

To check if a more up-to-date version is available in this repository, and to automatically download it, do:

momacs self update

If update is warranted, the current local version will be retained to allow rollback. All retained versions can be removed like so:

momacs self remove-old-versions