
Battleship https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battleship_(game) Vanila => https://battleship-js.moreel.me/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Battleship Game

Battleship is a classic two-player board game Wikipedia where each player has a 10x10 board.


This is a classic Battleship game implemented in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The game allows you to place your fleet of ships on a grid and take turns attacking your opponent's grid. The goal is to sink all of your opponent's ships before they sink yours.

Game Rules

  • Battleship Placement: Players place battleships on their board during the setup phase. Battleships must entirely fit within the board, and can be aligned either vertically or horizontally.
  • Taking Turns: During gameplay, players take turns "attacking" a single position on their opponent's board. The opponent must respond with either a "hit" (if the attack hits a battleship) or a "miss."
  • Sinking Battleships: A battleship is considered sunk if it has been hit on all the squares it occupies.
  • Victory Conditions: The player wins the game when all of their opponent's battleships have been successfully sunk.

Game Screenshot

Live Demo

Battleship State Tracker


  • Ship Placement: Drag and drop your fleet of ships onto the grid.
  • Play Against the Computer: Challenge the computer, which takes turns attacking your grid.
  • Orientation Toggle: Easily change the ship placement orientation (horizontal/vertical).
  • Information Display: Game messages are shown in the information display for an interactive experience.

How to Play

  1. Place Your Ships: Start by strategically placing your ships on the player's grid. Use the "Direction" button to toggle the orientation of your ships.

  2. Start the Game: After placing all your ships, click the "Start" button to initiate the game. The computer will randomly position its ships on the grid.

  3. Take Turns: The game begins with your turn. Click on the computer's grid to launch an attack. If your shot hits an opponent's ship, you will see a "hit" message in the information display. A "miss" message appears if you don't hit anything.

  4. Computer's Turn: The computer will take its turn, attacking your grid. The game will display the results of each attack in the information display.

  5. Continue Playing: Continue taking turns, alternating between you and the computer. The game ends when one of these conditions is met:

    • You sink all of the computer's ships. You win!
    • The computer sinks all your ships. You lose!


Battleship Game is a Vanilla JavaScript application developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features drag-and-drop ship placement and logic for the computer's turns. Ships are represented as CSS classes on the grid, and their placement is validated to ensure a fair gaming experience.

Local Development

If you wish to run the application locally, follow these instructions:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/battleship-game.git
  2. Open the Project:

    Open the project folder in your code editor.
  3. Run Locally:

    Open the index.html file in your web browser to start playing the game.


  • Accessibility: Test the game's accessibility using a tool like WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool.
  • Performance: Can view the Lighthouse performance report by clicking here.
  • Cross-Browser The game has been tested in different browsers, including Safari, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox, to ensure compatibility.

Future Features

If planning to enhance the game in the future, would consider the following features:

  • Touchscreen Compatibility: Make the game more touchscreen-friendly.
  • Coordinate Input: Add a feature to enter coordinates via a text input field for precise attacks.

Feel free to contribute or fork this project to implement these features and improvements!


  • Mo Mahboobian


  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.