
Tools for converting wav to mp3 for Momentum-sonic

Primary LanguageC


Tools for converting wav to mp3 for Momentum-sonic


remove lame_init_old in lame-3.100/include/libmp3lame.sym lame_init_old will cause bugs so we removed it.


init lame

If you have not lame in your device, run the script to install lame.

    sudo npm run intall-lame


    cd lame-3.100 && ./configure && make && sudo make install


  1. create the input folder in the root.
  2. put the wav files under input folder.
  3. run npm run convert
  4. the output file will be under output folder in the root.

set input ant outpath path

You can pass input and outpath when you run the script

npm run convert input='sound/input'  output='sound/output'