
Uploads maps and other UGC to the steam workshop

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Momentum Mod Workshop Upload Tool

A desktop tool for uploading Momentum Mod maps and other UGC to the Steam Workshop. Shipped with Momentum Mod on Steam.



cmake 3.0 or newer
C++14 compiler
Qt5.6 or newer (Any version of Qt5 *should* work though)
Steamworks SDK (see steamworks/readme.txt)

Don't forget: you must put steam_appid.txt with the correct Momentum Mod appid in the same directory as the executable!

To build and run on Linux/OSX:

$ cd workshop-tool
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild
$ cmake --build build --config release -- -j4
$ cd build
$ ./momentum-workshop-tool

On Windows:

_ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" -H. -Bbuild
_ cmake --build build --config release
_ cd build/Release
_ momentum-workshop-tool