My area of research will mainly cover biomedical discoveries using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques in the big data platform.
Hamad Bin Khalifa UniversityDoha, Qatar
Pinned Repositories
Building new algorithms for better feature extraction, optimization and explainability in AI
A novel feature extraction method: Random Feature Explorer (RFE).
The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a version of Swarm Intelligence that is a relatively new approach to problem-solving. The Ant Colony Optimization algorithm was developed by M. Dorigo in the late 90s as a part of his Ph.D. thesis [1]. Initially known as Ant System, this algorithm was subsequently improved to be called the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. This approach takes inspiration from the social behaviors of ants, bees, and other animals. ACO in particular draws inspiration from the foraging behaviors of some ant species. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has been widely in use since the early nineties. This report is a discussion and an implementation of the same in the specific use case of calculating the shortest distance between any two nodes in a graph.
Any one can easily use this data sets for their research work or project. We applied KNNOR algorithm to balance the data sets.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
momin128's Repositories
A novel feature extraction method: Random Feature Explorer (RFE).
The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a version of Swarm Intelligence that is a relatively new approach to problem-solving. The Ant Colony Optimization algorithm was developed by M. Dorigo in the late 90s as a part of his Ph.D. thesis [1]. Initially known as Ant System, this algorithm was subsequently improved to be called the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. This approach takes inspiration from the social behaviors of ants, bees, and other animals. ACO in particular draws inspiration from the foraging behaviors of some ant species. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has been widely in use since the early nineties. This report is a discussion and an implementation of the same in the specific use case of calculating the shortest distance between any two nodes in a graph.
Any one can easily use this data sets for their research work or project. We applied KNNOR algorithm to balance the data sets.
Config files for my GitHub profile.