Noun Group Tagger


Creates a program that takes a file like WSJ_02-21.pos-chunk as input and produces a file consisting of feature value pairs for use with the maxent trainer and classifier.


  • Features of the word itself: POS, bio, word, capitalization
  • Implemented a check to see whether word is a name or not
  • Used a dictionary of words that may indicate a name (Mr., Mrs, Dr., etc)
    • Words that followed these terms and were captilized were termed names
    • Words that followed/preceded names that were capitilized were also deemed names as they are most likely part of the same name
  • Implemented a check to see whether word is an organization or not
    • Used a dictionary of words that may indicate an org (Inc., Incorporated, Co.)
    • Words that preceded/follwed words with organization tag and that were capitilized also were tagged as organization
  • Applied above features to previous/next 6 words


  • 31390 out of 32853 tags correct
    • accuracy: 95.55
  • 8378 groups in key
  • 8870 groups in response
  • 7624 correct groups
    • precision: 85.95
    • recall: 91.00
    • F1: 88.40