
Extremely lightweight, yet flexible HTML UI

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Internet Explorer 11 based HTML UI component for C++.

Due to employing Internet Explorer 11, html-ui offers a flexible and lightweight HTML user interface. It is ideal for small, yet elegant user interfaces.

No external dependencies are required resulting in minuscule binary sizes.




You can start by creating a window with native testFunction handler:

#include <momo/html_ui.hpp>

int main()
    momo::html_ui window("Test", 500, 300);

    window.register_handler("testFunction", [](const std::string& text) -> int
		// ...
		return 15;

    window.load_html("<!DOCTYPE html><html> ... </html>");


Native handlers can be called from JavaScript:

window.external.testFunction("Hello World");

Javascript execution from C++ is also possible:

const auto result = window.evaluate("alert('test')");

The JavaScript values are automatically translated to match the C++ function signature. If the arguments mismatch, an exception is thrown.

Alternatively, a raw handler can be registered, which receives all arguments as vector:

window.register_raw_handler("rawFunction", [&window](const std::vector<momo::html_value>& arguments)
	-> momo::html_value
	// ...
	return {};