
Build website using laravel as backend, vue js as front end and full request using api with middleware api passport.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

System Information School

School information system is a useful website to facilitate school data collection. Built with laravel v.7.0, vue.js v.2.5.17, vue router v.3.3.4 and vuex v.3.4.0

Before installation

  • Please configuration database for this projects. Change in .env.example to .env
  • Move file image in folder public/image to folder storage/app/public/image
  • php v.7 or later


composer install
php artisan application:install

If you want development you can keyword in cli

npm install

Start Serve

php artisan serve


  • Administrator
  • Admin
  • Teacher


  • Admin Template
  • Dashboards
  • Passport API authentication
  • CRUD school
  • CRUD class
  • CRUD study
  • CRUD teacher
  • CRUD student
  • CRUD homeroom teacher
  • CRUD task assessment
  • CRUD report card
  • Export excel in all tables
  • Import excel in all tables
  • Notes

The npm package used

  • axios
  • jquery
  • chart.js
  • laravel-vue-pagination
  • metismenu
  • sweetalert2

Package composer used

  • laravel/passport
  • maatwebsite/excel


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.