
Swap online core

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Swap Core

Run App example

Run watcher to copy files from ./src to ./app/src/order

npm run watch

Run react-scripts app in additional terminal tab

cd ./app
npm start

Get Started


First of all you need to create orderApp. The specified structure and fields data is required!

const app = new SwapApp({
  me: {
    reputation: 10,
    eth: {
      address: '0x0',
      publicKey: '0x0',
    btc: {
      address: '0x0',
      publicKey: '0x0',
  ipfsConfig: {
    Addresses: {
      Swarm: [

Then after you create the app you have some functionality:


// The specified structure and fields data is required!
const data = {
  buyCurrency: 'ETH',
  sellCurrency: 'BTC',
  buyAmount: 1,
  sellAmount: 0.1,

// creates new order
// returns all orders
// returns only orders created by current user
// send request to order owner to start order process
order.sendRequest((isAccepted) => {
  // callback to be invoked when owner will resolve your request
  console.log(`user ${order.owner.peer} ${isAccepted ? 'accepted' : 'declined'} your request`)


app.on('ready', () => {
  console.log('orderApp ready')

app.on('user online', (peer) => {
  console.log('user online', peer)

app.on('user offline', (peer) => {
  console.log('user offline', peer)

app.on('new order', (order) => {
  console.log('new order', order)

app.on('new order request', ({ orderId, participant }) => {
  console.error(`user ${participant.peer} requesting order`, {
    order: app.orderCollection.getByKey(orderId),


Each instance of Order class represents order object with own fields and functionality:

Data structure

{string}  id
{object}  owner
{string}  owner.peer
{number}  owner.reputation
{object}  owner.<currency>
{string}  owner.<currency>.address
{string}  owner.<currency>.publicKey
{string}  buyCurrency
{string}  sellCurrency
{number}  buyAmount
{number}  sellAmount
{object}  participant
{number}  participant.reputation
{object}  participant.<currency>
{string}  participant.<currency>.address
{string}  participant.<currency>.publicKey
{array}   requests
{boolean} requesting
{boolean} processing


// send request to this order owner
// owner accept participant request
// owner decline participant request


Alice persist Alice BTC -> ETH Bob ETH -> BTC Bob persist
EthContract.checkSign() 1) Sign 1) Sign EthContract.checkSign()
2) Create secret hash 2) Wait for BTC script BtcSwap.checkBalance()
3) Check balance (if not enough wait until user fill balance on this step)
4) Create BTC script
5) Fund BTC script
EthSwap.checkBalance() 6) Wait for ETH contract 3) Verify BTC script
4) Check balance (if not enough wait until user fill balance on this step)
5) Create ETH contract
7) Withdraw from ETH contract 6) Wait for withdraw from ETH contract EthSwap.getSecret()
7) Withdraw from BTC script