
A basic and simplistic version of "A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build". The front-end was developed using Vue.js, and the logic is managed by an ontology loaded on Stardog and in which we make queries using SPARQL.

Primary LanguageVue

A basic and simplistic version of "A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build". The front-end was developed using Vue.js, and the logic is managed by an ontology loaded on Stardog and in which we make queries using SPARQL.

The idea here is to minimize the use of conditionals (if..else, switch case) and instead have the logic managed by reasoning on the ontology. The ontology was created on Protege-5.5.0 and saved as a turtle file which is therefore loaded in Stardog server 7.7.2 mounted as a Docked container. And finally, The front-end has been developed with Vue.js 3.

Download the container

sudo docker pull stardog/stardog:latest

Start the container

sudo docker run -it -v ~/stardog-home/:/var/opt/stardog -p 5820:5820 stardog/stardog

Install the stardog package for nodejs

npm install stardog

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint