Sheffield COM3110 Text Processing (AUTUMN 2023~24)


  • nltk: nltk library provides tools for preprocessing (e.g. stopwords, normalization)
    • WordNetLemmatizer: From nltk.stem, use for word form normalization
    • stopwords: From nltk.corpus, use for removing stop words
  • numpy math string csv argparse: Standard libraries are imported for loading data(numpy math), math calculation(csv argparse) and data structure process(string`)
  • seaborn matplotlib: use for drawing confusion matrix

Features selection

  • TF-IDF: The project calculates each word TF-IDF value as the word feature and calculate the probability similar with bayes formula
  • Combination: Through testing on the dev data set, we found that the probability obtained by multiplying the probability of tf idf and the probability of Naive Bayes is the most accurate. Thus, we take it as our the core features extraction algorithm.


python3 moviereviews/train.tsv moviereviews/dev.tsv moviereviews/test.tsv -classes ... -features ... -confusion_matrix -output_files
    -classes: 3, 5
    -features: features, all_words
    -confusion_matrix, `-output_files`: optional (if no input: default `False`)


  • pip install seaborn: download for plotting confusion matrix
  • pip install matplotlib: download for plotting
  • pip install nltk: download the preprocessing library
  •'wordnet'): download the dataset for WordNetLemmatizer
  •'stopwords'): download the dataset for stopwords


  • “Improved Bayes Method Based on TF-IDF Feature and Grade Factor Feature for Chinese Information Classification | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore,” (accessed Dec. 15, 2023). ‌