
🚀 (little) real-time data streaming server (with Socket.io)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🚀 (very little) real-time data streaming server (with Socket.io)

🍭 How it works

Tarantula-Streams enables you to manage all connections between different services in real-time via a central repository.

There are two basic types of clients:
  • Producers: send data over a particular channel to the tarantula-streams server
  • Consumers: consume data and subscribe to a channel

A channel is just a cluster of data, e.g. 'website_mouse_movements'.

🦕 Install

1. Server

1.1 Clone this repo

$ git clone https://github.com/moritzmitterdorfer/tarantula-streams.git

1.2 Cd into server and install NPM packages

$ cd client && npm install

1.3 Configure port and logging level as well as the batchSize: Go into server/config.json and configure the port of the server as well as the logging level (0 = basic, 2 = everything).

    "port": 3001, 
    "logging": true, 
    "logging_level": 2,
    "batchSize": 2 

1.4 start the server

$ npm start

2. Client (JS version)

Note: There is a JS client!

2.1 Go to your service application (usually backend) where you want to use the client.

2.2 Decide for Producer or Consumer or both: Does the service produce or consume data?

2.3 Go into the client directory and take the lib files and store them somewhere.

2.4 Find out the server address and port (port is configured in server/config.json).

    // address and port 
    const address = 'YOUR_ADDRESS'; // locally: localhost
    const port = 3001; // port 
    // producer
    let producer = new TarantulaStreamsProducer(`ws://${ADDRESS}:${PORT}`);
    // or consumer
    let consumer = new TarantulaStreamsConsumer(`ws://${ADDRESS}:${PORT}`);

🪐 Send data (producer)

The TarantulaStreamsProducer can send data over a particular channel:

    // send data
    producer.sendData(channel, json_payload);
    // example
    producer.sendData('website_clicks', { x_click: 100, y_click: 200, meta: { name: 'website_1' } });

📝 Receive data (consumer)

The TarantulaStreamsConsumer can receive data on a particular channel by subscribing to this channel:

    // subscribe to channel
    producer.subscribe(channel, callback);
    // example
    producer.subscribe('website_clicks', data => {
        // do somtehing with data