
adapt bem for miso

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


The miso-bem library is to adapt the bem library for the miso library.


  • to make views having Bem classes more easily


  • A view is a miso HTML element whose class_ attribute is set to a Bem class.
  • An element view is a view whose class_ attribute contains a Bem element.
  • A block view is an element view whose class_ attribute contains a Bem block.
  • A view generator is a Bem generator into a view.
  • A mix view generator is a view generator into a block view.
  • A context is a value having access to the model, returning either a block view, a mix view generator, or a miso HTML element, and created using a block view maker.
  • A block view generator is a context returning a mix view generator.
  • A view maker is a function from both a miso HTML element and its inner views into a view generator.
  • A block view maker is a view maker into a block view generator.
  • A mix view maker is a view maker into a block view.
  • An element view generator is a view generator into an element view.
  • An element view maker is a view maker into an element view generator.


  • All the examples are decorated according to the Default value column from Table 1.
  • In all the examples the topmost BEM block is the Root Bem block.
  • The context type is the Reader type constructor applied to a model type and a View type constructor applied to an action or a function type whose rightmost type is the latter.
  • The miso-bem-example repository is the working source code of all the examples presented in this document.


  • Something prefixed with the 'Bem' prefix refers to a bem library term.


Follow installing the bem library but regarding the miso-bem library.

Usage flow

  1. Create a Bem scheme. (?)
      1. Create element views (?)
      2. and block views using the default decorations (?)
    • or configure the views makers (?)
      1. then create element views (?)
      2. and block views using custom decorations. (?)
  2. Optionally, create a top-level context binding. (?)
  3. Run the lop-level context. (?)

Create element view using default decorations

Define an element view generator

  1. obtaining needed data as arguments
  2. and partially applying an appropriate element view maker function to both a miso HTML element and its inner element views (?) and mix views (?) including the obtained data.


Create mix view using default decorations

Follow creating an element view but regarding a mix view generator and a mix view maker function.



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module View.Search where

import Bem.Scheme

import Bem.Miso.View.Html
import Bem.Miso.View.Mk.Mk
import Miso

import Bem.Init

import Bem.Miso.Utl.Utl

search :: BlkNoModsElem' ()
    _blkNoModsElem mks (NonVoidHtmlElem section_)
        ( []
        , ([ blkElem (VoidHtmlElem input_)
                 [placeholder_ "Text to search"]
                 [SearchTextInput_Size Big]
           , blkElem (VoidHtmlElem input_)
                 [type_ "button", value_ "Search"]
                 [SearchBtn_Size Big]


  • The mix view maker type signatures can be used as type signatures for mix view generators.
  • If an element view generator is also needed to have a BEM block, create an equivalent mix view generator using a mix view maker instead.
  • If an element view generator is too complex or used in multiple places, then it should be a top-level binding.

Create block view using default decorations

Define a context,

  1. obtaining needed data
  2. and returning the block view generator partially applying an appropriate block view maker to both a miso HTML element including its inner views and the obtained data,

from it.



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module View.Header where

import Bem.Scheme
import View.Search

import Bem.Miso.View.Html
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Miso
import Miso.String
import Bem.Miso.Utl.Utl

import Bem.Init

mkHeader :: MkBlkNoModsElem' () MisoString
mkHeader = do
    userName <- ask
    _mkBlkNoModsElem mks (NonVoidHtmlElem header_)
        ( []
        , [ noModsBlkNoModsElem (NonVoidHtmlElem span_)
                ([], [text "Logo"])
          , span_ [] [text userName]
          , search Search [Search_Dark] Header Header_Search


Configure view makers

Follow configuring the Bem class generators but regarding the miso-bem init function and Mks record.

Create element view using custom decorations

Follow creating an element view using the default decorations but regarding a configured (?) element view maker field-function.

Create mix view using custom decorations

Follow creating an element view using the default decorations but regarding a mix view generator and a configured (?) mix view maker field-function.



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module View.Search where

import Bem.Scheme

import Bem.Miso.View.Html
import Bem.Miso.View.Mk.Mk
import Miso

import Bem.Init

import Bem.Miso.Utl.Utl

search :: BlkNoModsElem' ()
    _blkNoModsElem mks (NonVoidHtmlElem section_)
        ( []
        , ([ blkElem (VoidHtmlElem input_)
                 [placeholder_ "Text to search"]
                 [SearchTextInput_Size Big]
           , blkElem (VoidHtmlElem input_)
                 [type_ "button", value_ "Search"]
                 [SearchBtn_Size Big]

Create block view using custom decorations

Follow creating a block view using the default decorations but regarding a configured block view maker field-function.



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module View.Header where

import Bem.Scheme
import View.Search

import Bem.Miso.View.Html
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Miso
import Miso.String
import Bem.Miso.Utl.Utl

import Bem.Init

mkHeader :: MkBlkNoModsElem' () MisoString
mkHeader = do
    userName <- ask
    _mkBlkNoModsElem mks (NonVoidHtmlElem header_)
        ( []
        , [ noModsBlkNoModsElem (NonVoidHtmlElem span_)
                ([], [text "Logo"])
          , span_ [] [text userName]
          , search Search [Search_Dark] Header Header_Search


  • In order that a miso HTML element can be passed into a view maker, wrap it into the HtmlElem GADT, namely,
    • a non-void one into the NonVoidHtmlElem data constructor
    • and a void one into the VoidHtmlElem data constructor.
  • In order that the Mks field-functions using custom decorations can be used, they must be configured. (?)


  • The partial view makers can be used in place of the full ones to omit corresponding needless modifiers.

Create top-level context

  1. Bind a name to a context returning either a miso HTML element or a block view.
  2. Include each top-level block view into the miso HTML element that it returns. (?)
  3. Set the resulting miso HTML element as a value of the view field of the App record.



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module View.Root where

import Bem.Scheme
import View.Header

import Bem.Miso.Utl.Utl
import Miso
import Miso.String

mkRoot :: MkSingleton' () MisoString
mkRoot = do
    BlkNoModsElem header <- mkHeader
        $ div_
              [class_ "Root"]
              [header Header [Header_Dark] Root Root_Header]


  • The topmost BEM block should be invisible HTML element.
  • If a context is defined as a top-level binding, then the MkSingleton type constructor applied to the model and the action can be used as a type signature for it.
  • If a top-level context returns a miso HTML element having a topmost BEM block, then global styles can be set on the topmost BEM block.
  • In order that the BEM rules are obeyed, the topmost BEM block should be used as a parent for top-level BEM elements

Include block view

  1. Run an included block view generator in an including context to obtain the wrapped block view generator using do notation.
  2. Unwrap the obtained wrapped block view generator using pattern matching over an appropriate wrapper data constructor.
  3. Bind a name to the unwrapped block view generator inside the mattern match.
  4. Follow
  5. Pass the obtained block view into the block view maker used to create the returned view block generator.

Include element view

Follow including block view but from the fourth step and regarding an element view generator.

Include mix view

Follow including element view but regarding mix view generators.

Run top-level context

  1. Run a lop-level context applying the runReader function to it to obtain a miso HTML element.
  2. Set the obtained miso HTML element as a value of the view field of the App record.



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import View.Root

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Warp
import Miso

main :: IO ()
        $ startApp
              App { events = defaultEvents
                  , initialAction = ()
                  , logLevel = Off
                  , model = "Monadosquito"
                  , mountPoint = Nothing
                  , subs = []
                  , update = \_ mdl -> noEff mdl
                  , view = runReader mkRoot

#ifndef __GHCJS__
runApp :: JSM () -> IO ()
runApp = debug 8000
runApp :: IO () -> IO ()
runApp = id


  • The example runs a local HTTP server serving the following HTML code on the 8000 port:


        <script src="/jsaddle.js"></script>
        <div class="Root">
            <header class="header header_dark root__header">
                <span class="logo root__logo">Logo</span>
                <section class="search search_dark header__search">
                    <input class="text-input text-input_dark search__text-input search__text-input_size_big" placeholder="Text to search">
                    <input class="btn btn_dark search__btn search__btn_size_big" type="button" value="Search">


  • If a name is bound to a top-level context, then use it as a top-level context by its name.


This library can be contributed into the way that the bem library can.


This library follows the convention followed by the bem library.

Defined scopes

  • cfg
  • utl
  • view