
SDK for monago platform, help developers to create and consume apis without managing the fullcode and its infrastructure

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MonagoJS - ⚡ Fast And Customized APIs Library From Monago.io

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SDK for monago platform, help developers to create and consume apis without managing the fullcode and its infrastructure

Note: This library is only meant for usage from server-side with Monago secret API key. For PCI compliance to be maintained, tokenization of apis url info should be done on client side with monago dashboard.


First, you need to install the library

$ npm install @monagoio/monagojs


$ yarn add @monagoio/monagojs

Then, you create a project through Monago dashboard to get a secretKey to grant the access for the client application.

import { MonagoClient } from '@monagoio/monagojs'

const client = new MonagoClient({
  secretKey: "*******"

How to Use

There are basic usages for developers to leverage Monago SDK such as register, login, create, read, update, delete. Remember, define you model and data through Monago dashboard.



To use register function, you can pass your data such as below.

client.register({ email: "monago@example.com", name : "monago", password: "pass" })


To use login function, you can pass your data such as below.

client.login({ email : "monago", password: "pass" })


To use create function, you can pass your data such as below.

client.post({ url: "/todos", data: {
    "name": "Build an app",
    "description": "Awesome apps ready to be released",
    "date": "2022-05-18T08:51:52.031Z"

Read All

To use read all function, you can write the code such as below.

client.get({ url: "/todos", params: {
    "page": 1,
    "limit": 10,
    "orderby": "date"

But, it depends whether you check the pagination option when you create the data model. If you uncheck the pagination, you can delete the params.

Read Detail

To use read function, you can write the code such as below.

client.get({ url: "/todos/:id" })


To use update function, you can pass your data such as below.

client.put({ url: "/todos/:id", data: {
    "name": "[Postponed] Build an app",
    "description": "Awesome apps ready to release",
    "date": "2022-06-18T08:51:52.031Z"


To use delete function, you can write the code such as below.

client.delete({ url: "/todos/:id" })

Remember, the URL depends on the model that you've defined.


To use upload function, you can write the code such as below.

client.upload({ url: "/upload" (optional), file, /folder/nama_file(optional)})