Recipe Book

> git clone
> cd recipe-app
> npm install
> ng serve

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive/pipe/service/class/module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve.

Below are the E2E test scenarios are covered:

Given the Recipe Book App is opened

When the page title is available
  ✓ Should display the browser title as "RecipeApp"

When the page header navigation is shown
  ✓ Should display title as "Recipe Book"
  ✓ Should display "Recipes" link
  ✓ Should display "Shopping List" link
  ✓ Should active/highlighted link text be "Recipes"

When the page sub header section is shown
  ✓ Should display "New Recipe" Button
  ✓ Should display "New Recipe" Button is disabled
  ✓ Should display information panel with text "Please select a recipe from the list"

When the recipes list is shown
  ✓ Should display 5 Recipes

  When Recipes with image, title and description is displayed
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display recipe title as Chinese Chicken
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display description title as Chinese Chicken with sweet and sour sauce
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display image 636d8d6cfbf1862e5ad5f89571c55430.jpg
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display recipe title as Sausage Casserole
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display description title as Sausage Casserole with onion gravy
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display image Italian-Sausage.jpg
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display recipe title as Taco Meat Recipe
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display description title as Taco with minced beef and onion
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display image taco-meat-leftovers-recipes
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display recipe title as Egg delight
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display description title as Lightly toasted wraps with fresh eggs
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display image dinner-recipes-under-300-calories
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display recipe title as Fried EggPlant
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display description title as Eggplant daked with cheese
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display image maxresdefault.jpg

  When click on the Recipe Item from the list
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display recipe title as Chinese Chicken
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display recipe description
             for Chinese Chicken as Chinese Chicken with sweet and sour sauce
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display recipe for Chinese Chicken Image as 636d8d6cfbf1862e5ad5f89571c55430.jpg
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display Action Button for Chinese Chicken as "Manage Recipes"
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Chinese Chicken as 4 Chicken Portions,1 Chinese spices
    ✓ Item #1 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Chinese Chicken as Add to shopping List,Edit Recipe,Delete Recipe
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display recipe title as Sausage Casserole
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display recipe description
             for Sausage Casserole as Sausage Casserole with onion gravy
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display recipe for Sausage Casserole Image as Italian-Sausage.jpg
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display Action Button for Sausage Casserole as "Manage Recipes"
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Sausage Casserole as 6 Sausages,2 onions
    ✓ Item #2 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Sausage Casserole as Add to shopping List,Edit Recipe,Delete Recipe
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display recipe title as Taco Meat Recipe
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display recipe description
             for Taco Meat Recipe as Taco with minced beef and onion
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display recipe for Taco Meat Recipe Image as taco-meat-leftovers-recipes
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display Action Button for Taco Meat Recipe as "Manage Recipes"
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Taco Meat Recipe as 2 Minced Beef,2 onions
    ✓ Item #3 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Taco Meat Recipe as Add to shopping List,Edit Recipe,Delete Recipe
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display recipe title as Egg delight
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display recipe description
             for Egg delight as Lightly toasted wraps with fresh eggs
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display recipe for Egg delight Image as dinner-recipes-under-300-calories
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display Action Button for Egg delight as "Manage Recipes"
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Egg delight as 6 Eggs,2 Wraps,1 Cheese
    ✓ Item #4 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Egg delight as Add to shopping List,Edit Recipe,Delete Recipe
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display recipe title as Fried EggPlant
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display recipe description
             for Fried EggPlant as Eggplant daked with cheese
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display recipe for Fried EggPlant Image as maxresdefault.jpg
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display Action Button for Fried EggPlant as "Manage Recipes"
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Fried EggPlant as 6 Aubergine,2 Cheese
    ✓ Item #5 - Should display recipe ingredient
            for Fried EggPlant as Add to shopping List,Edit Recipe,Delete Recipe

When a recipe is added to the shopping list
  ✓ Should active/highlighted link text be "Shopping List" on the banner/navigation header
  ✓ Should display name input field
  ✓ Should display amount input field
  ✓ Should "Add" Button is disabled
  ✓ Should "Clear" Button is enabled
  ✓ Should display the ingredients of the selected recipe

  When a ingredient from the shopping list is selected
    ✓ Should display the selected ingredient name in name input control
    ✓ Should display the selected ingredient Amount in number input control
    ✓ Should display update and delete button

    When the selected ingredient's name/amount is updated
      ✓ Should update the list with the new value of the ingredient
      ✓ Should update the list with the new edited value of the ingredient

    When the clear button is clicked upon elected ingredient's name/amount
      ✓ Should clear the value from the name and amount input control

    When the selected ingredient's name/amount is deleted
      ✓ Should remove the ingredient from the list

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.