
An exercise to practice building react components

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🌎 building-planet-app

An app that displays list of planets with information. User will be able to delete a planet.

An exercise to practice building react components.

⬇️ Tasks

✅ Create a planet card that accept props and to be rendered when planet array is iterated.

  • use destructuring to get the values of props and directly call it in the component.
 const { id, name, diameter, moons, desc, url, removePlanet } = props;
     <img src={url} alt={name} />
  • use spread operator to pass all the properties of planet obj to planet card.
<div className='container'>
     {this.state.planets.map((planet) => (

✅ Add a delete btn so user can remove a planet.

  • x button is shown when user hovered the card.

  • when x button is clicked, planet will be removed from the list and the app will be re-rendered.

  • .filter() is used to removed the selected item from the list.