Create list of contacts with pagination using plain JavaScript
✅ How to import users data from data.js
to script.js
// Note: For nodejs environment, name file with .mjs extension
// and set "type":"module" in the package.json
// Using ES6 modules in browsers
// index.html --> assign module to type attribute in script tag
<script type="module" src="js/script.js"></script>
// script.js --> import users data using ES6 syntax
import { users } from "./data.js";
✅ Dynamically create and manipulate DOM elements
// getElementById() -> retrieve element with the specified ID
const totalUsersCount = document.getElementById("totalUser");
// querySelector() -> select the first element that matches the specified CSS selector
const userListElement = document.querySelector(".users-list");
const currentBtn = document.querySelector(".pagination > li");
// Create html elements
const listItem = document.createElement("li");
const image = document.createElement("img");
// Set element's properties
totalUsersCount.innerHTML = users.length;
image.className = "avatar";
image.src = user.image;
// Append created elements as child nodes to existing elements
// Manipulate element styles and classes
// Add event listener
listBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { ... });
✅ Understanding built-in methods
// slice() --> to extract the relevant portion of the users for the current page
// this method returns a new array and does not alter the original array
const trimStart = (currPage - 1) * numOfUsersPerPage;
const trimEnd = trimStart + numOfUsersPerPage;
const newUsersList = usersList.slice(trimStart, trimEnd);
// map() --> iterate over each user to populate the created list item then append it to the `userListElement`
// this method allows to iterate over an array, execute a function on each element,
// and collect the results in a new array => {
const listItem = createListItem(user);