
Google Places API + custom notes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Find your favorite locations, categorize them, and write notes about them so you can easily refer to them later!




  1. Used Angular:
  • similarity to Ember in terms of Dependency Injection
  • easy to get something complex setup with minimal code
  • organization of code into separate modules with factories, directives, and filters that can be easily used across the app
  • Angular router to handle different views
  • Material-UI is fully responsive and well-styled
  1. Different patters to showcase knowledge of / flexibility with framework:
  • both $scope and this patterns within controllers
  • both components and HTML templates for different views
  • Angular provided + custom directives
  • Angular provided + custom filters
  1. Error handling:
  • wait for google maps to load before allowing app use
  • default to mid-US as map center when current location is not known (if user does not allow location services in browser)
  • make sure place and category are provided before accepting input
  • redirect to home on invalid routes or place URLs

Tech Stack


You'll need API keys for Google Places. Create a file in the 'app/api/' folder called 'keys.js'. Using 'keys.example.js' as a template, add your Google Places API key here.

If you neglect to do this step, the app will prompt you for your individual key.



Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install -g bower http-server
bower install

Running Locally

Start the server by running:

http-server .

Visit localhost:8080 in the browser.