
This is a terraform module for setting up blueprism on AWS

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


A terraform module to setup Blue Prism Enterprise on AWS.


  • You want to setup Blue Prism Resources such as Appserver, Interactive Client, Resource PC, Database, etc individually in AWS.
  • You want these resources to exist within security groups that allow communication and coordination. These can be user provided or created within the module.
  • You've created a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and subnets with dns hostnames and support enabled where you intend to put the Blue Prism resources.
  • You have a private hosted zone (or custom internal DNS servers) configured for this VPC since Blue Prism communicates using the windows hostname(FQDN).
  • You want to host Blueprism resources in a private subnet within the VPC. AWS Security group policy for now allows incoming communication from all ports and protocols to the appserver, interactive client and resource pcs for the cidr range provided as a variable.
  • You want the module to automatically update Blue Prism app/Login agent or license if you update their name or installer path by recreating required resources.
  • This module does not require or use Active Directory for setting up access/dns domain for the windows machines. You can configure it separately if required or use aws_route53_record to add dns hostnames for the Blue Prism ec2 resources to private hosted zone mapped to their private ip addresses for internal communication.

Usage example

variable "blueprism_appserver_private_ip" {
  type = "list"
  default = [ "" ]

variable "blueprism_client_private_ip" { 
  type = "list"
  default = [ 

variable "blueprism_resource_private_ip" { 
  type = "list"
  default = [ 

module "blueprism" {
  source                = "capsulehealth/terraform-aws-blueprism"
  version               = "1.0.0"
  region    = "us-east-2"
  subnet_id = "subnet-2671384a"
  blueprism_installer_path = "http://test-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/BluePrism6.2.1_x64_0.msi"
  blueprism_license_path   = "http://test-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/BluePrim-prod.lic"
  login_agent_installer_path = "http://test-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/LoginAgent5.0.23_x64.msi"
  dns_suffix_domain_name   = "internal.company.com"

  db_name                      = "company_prod"
  db_master_username           = "dbmaster"
  db_master_password           = "${var.blueprism_db_master_password}"
  db_storage                   = "100"
  db_instance_class            = "db.t2.medium"
  db_subnet_group_name         = "private-vpc-db-subnet"

  # Below passwords can be passed as terraform environment variables
  appserver_windows_administrator_password = "${var.blueprism_appserver_windows_administrator_password}"
  appserver_instance_type                  = "m4.large"
  appserver_private_ip                     = "${var.blueprism_appserver_private_ip}"
  appserver_key_name                       = "blueprism-key"

  appserver_sg_ingress_cidr = [ 

  client_windows_administrator_password  = "${var.blueprism_client_windows_administrator_password}"
  client_windows_custom_user_username    = "eng_team"
  client_windows_custom_user_password    = "${var.blueprism_client_windows_capsule_password}"
  client_private_ip                      = "${var.blueprism_client_private_ip}"
  client_key_name                        = "blueprism-key"

  client_sg_ingress_cidr = [ 

  resource_windows_administrator_password  = "${var.blueprism_client_windows_administrator_password}"
  resource_windows_custom_user_username    = "ops_team"
  resource_windows_custom_user_password    = "${var.blueprism_client_windows_capsule_password}"
  resource_instance_type                   = "t2.medium"
  resource_private_ip                      = "${var.blueprism_resource_private_ip}"
  resource_key_name                        = "blueprism-key"

  resource_sg_ingress_cidr = [ 

  tags {
    Environment = "operations"

Additionally, you can use Route53 to set dns host entry for the Blue Prism resources within the private hosted zone associated with this VPC. For example:

resource "aws_route53_record" "bp_appserver" {
  count   = "${length(var.blueprism_appserver_private_ip)}"

  zone_id = "Z1IXQ8ADKOSDL2"
  name    = "${module.blueprism.appserver_hostname}-${count.index}"
  type    = "A"
  ttl     = "300"
  records = ["${element(var.blueprism_appserver_private_ip, count.index)}"]

resource "aws_route53_record" "bp_client" {
  count   = "${length(var.blueprism_client_private_ip)}"

  zone_id = "Z1IXQ8ADKOSDL2"
  name    = "${module.blueprism.client_hostname}-${count.index}"
  type    = "A"
  ttl     = "300"
  records = ["${element(var.blueprism_client_private_ip, count.index)}"]

resource "aws_route53_record" "bp_resource" {
  count   = "${length(var.blueprism_resource_private_ip)}"
  zone_id = "Z1IXQ8ADKOSDL2"
  name    = "${module.blueprism.resource_hostname}-${count.index}"
  type    = "A"
  ttl     = "300"
  records = ["${element(var.blueprism_resource_private_ip, count.index)}"]


Report issues/questions/feature requests on in the issues section.

Change log

The changelog captures all important release notes.


Created and maintained by Capsule Health. Many thanks to the contributors listed here!


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.


  • Requires minimum terraform aws provider v 1.39.0
provider "aws" {
  version = "~> 1.39.0"


Name Description Type Default Required
appserver_ami The AWS AMI name that should be used to setup Blue Prism Appserver on string `` no
appserver_custom_powershell_commands List of custom powershell commands you would like to run while creating a Blue Prism Appserver machine. These will only be executed once when a new instance is created list <list> no
appserver_disable_api_termination Boolean flag to disable api termination if set to true for Blue Prism appserver string false no
appserver_hostname Windows hostname that should be assigned to the appserver machine string bp-appserv no
appserver_instance_type EC2 instance type for Blue Prism appserver string t2.small no
appserver_key_name Name of the AWS Key Pair that should be used to decrypt the password for appserver string `` no
appserver_port The port on which Blue Prism appserver should be configured to listen for client/resource pcs string 8199 no
appserver_private_ip List of Private IPs for the Blue Prism appserver. This module will automatically generate the count value based on the number of elements in the list list - yes
appserver_root_volume_size Root volume size for Blue Prism appserver in GB string 30 no
appserver_sg_ingress_cidr CIDR IP range from which Blue Prism appserver can be accessed directly list <list> no
appserver_windows_administrator_password Windows password for Administrator user on appserver machine string - yes
appserver_windows_custom_user_password List of passwords for Windows login mapped to custom usernames for appserver list <list> no
appserver_windows_custom_user_username List of custom usernames for Windows login that needs to be created on appserver list <list> no
aws_windows_ami The AWS version of Windows OS that should be installed on all Blue Prism ec2 resources string Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base-* no
blueprism_installer_path The complete url to download Blue Prism installer file from string - yes
blueprism_license_path The complete url to download Blue Prism license file from string - yes
bp_password Password to login into Blue Prism application string admin no
bp_username Username to login into Blue Prism application string admin no
client_ami The AWS AMI name that should be used to setup Blue Prism Interactive Client on string `` no
client_custom_powershell_commands List of custom powershell commands you would like to run while creating a Blue Prism Interative Client machine. These will only be executed once when a new instance is created list <list> no
client_disable_api_termination Boolean flag to disable api termination if set to true for Blue Prism client string false no
client_hostname Windows hostname that should be assigned to the client machine string bp-client no
client_instance_type EC2 instance type for Blue Prism client string t2.small no
client_key_name Name of the AWS Key Pair that should be used to decrypt the password for client string `` no
client_private_ip List of Private IPs for the Blue Prism client. This module will automatically generate the count value based on the number of elements in the list list - yes
client_root_volume_size Root volume size for Blue Prism client in GB string 30 no
client_sg_ingress_cidr CIDR IP range from which Blue Prism client can be accessed directly list <list> no
client_windows_administrator_password Windows password for Administrator user on client machine string - yes
client_windows_custom_user_password List of passwords for Windows login mapped to custom usernames for client list <list> no
client_windows_custom_user_username List of custom usernames for Windows login that needs to be created on client list <list> no
create_new_db Boolean flag to setup new database for Blue Prism app. It should be set to 'true' for the first time while trying to setup database string false no
db_backup_retention_period Database backup retention period for RDS string 0 no
db_backup_window Database backup window for RDS in UTC string 04:00-06:00 no
db_changes_apply_immediately Boolean flag to apply changes to the Blue Prism database immediately string false no
db_engine RDS Database engine for setting up Blue Prism database string sqlserver-ex no
db_identifier The identifier that should be used for the Blue Prism database string blueprism-db no
db_instance_class RDS Database instance class to be used for Blue Prism database string - yes
db_kms_key_id If db_storage_encrypted is true, the KMS key identifier for the encrypted DB instance string `` no
db_maintenance_window Database maintenance window for RDS in UTC string Tue:06:30-Tue:07:00 no
db_master_password Database password in order for appserver to access the database string - yes
db_master_username Database username in order for appserver to access the database string - yes
db_name Name of the database that should be used to connect with Blue Prism appserver string - yes
db_sg_ingress_cidr CIDR IP range from which Blue Prism database can be accessed directly list <list> no
db_sg_policy_name Database security group policy name for Blue Prism database string blueprism-db-sg-policy no
db_snapshot_identifier Custom snapshot identifier if you want to restore database from that particular snapshot string `` no
db_storage The size of database server that should be allocated in GB string - yes
db_storage_encrypted Specifies whether the DB instance is encrypted string false no
db_storage_type RDS Database storage type string gp2 no
db_subnet_group_name Provide a database subnet group name within which Blue Prism database should be launched string - yes
db_timezone Custom timezone for Microsoft SQL RDS Database string `` no
deletion_protection Allows user to enable accidental Deletion Protection for Blueprism RDS Database string false no
dns_suffix_domain_name Internal network domain name for your vpc if you have enabled dns_hostnames and dns_support string `` no
login_agent_installer_path The complete url to download Blue Prism login agent installer file from and install on Resource PC string `` no
mapi_installer_path The complete url to download Blue Prism MAPI Ex installer file from and install on Resource PC string `` no
resource_ami The AWS AMI name that should be used to setup Blue Prism Resource pc on string `` no
resource_custom_powershell_commands List of custom powershell commands you would like to run while creating a Blue Prism Resource pc. These will only be executed once when a new instance is created list <list> no
resource_disable_api_termination Boolean flag to disable api termination if set to true for Blue Prism resource string false no
resource_hostname Windows hostname that should be assigned to the resource pc string bp-resource no
resource_instance_type EC2 instance type for Blue Prism resource string t2.small no
resource_key_name Name of the AWS Key Pair that should be used to decrypt the password for resource string `` no
resource_private_ip List of Private IPs for the Blue Prism resource. This module will automatically generate the count value based on the number of elements in the list list - yes
resource_root_volume_size Root volume size for Blue Prism resource in GB string 30 no
resource_sg_ingress_cidr CIDR IP range from which Blue Prism resource can be accessed directly list <list> no
resource_windows_administrator_password Windows password for Administrator user on resource pc string - yes
resource_windows_custom_user_password List of passwords for Windows login mapped to custom usernames for resource pc list <list> no
resource_windows_custom_user_username List of custom usernames for Windows login that needs to be created on resource pc list <list> no
subnet_id The aws subnet id of the subnet in which you want to create all Blue Prism ec2 resources string - yes
tags A map of tags to add to all Blue Prism resources string <map> no


Name Description
appserver_count Count of total number of Blue Prism appservers created
appserver_hostname Windows hostname for Blue Prism appserver machines. There will be a hyphen number suffixed to it to identify the individual machine
appserver_instance_id The list of instance ids for all Blue Prism appservers created
appserver_private_ip The list of private ips for all Blue Prism appservers created
client_count Count of total number of Blue Prism clients created
client_hostname Windows hostname for Blue Prism client machines. There will be a hyphen number suffixed to it to identify the individual machine
client_instance_id The list of instance ids for all Blue Prism clients created
client_private_ip The list of private ips for all Blue Prism clients created
db_address The address for Blue Prism database in RDS
db_endpoint The endpoint for Blue Prism database in RDS
db_identifier The identifier for Blue Prism database in RDS
resource_count Count of total number of Blue Prism resource pcs created
resource_hostname Windows hostname for Blue Prism resource pcs. There will be a hyphen number suffixed to it to identify the individual machine
resource_instance_id The list of instance ids for all Blue Prism resource pcs created
resource_private_ip The list of private ips for all Blue Prism resource pcs created