We work hard, play hard and thrive at bornlogic! if you belong to startup way of life, for sure this is a perfect opportunity!
We welcome highly skilled people who want to build amazing products and will be proud to show them to their friends and family! We are also looking for entry-level engineers who want to learn and practice software development using the best practices used by many players in the marketfield.
This challenge is the beginning of your job application at bornlogic. It is intended to all candidates, regardless of experience
After you are done, we will review your code, give you feedback and proceed to the next steps of your job application.
Fork this repository and pull request your solution.
Build a greate READ.ME explaining how to run your code and which technologies did you choose.
You can open an issue at any time if you have any questions.
Let's pretend we launched a "Social Media for Star Wars characters".
Your first objective as a frontend developer is to help us grow our socialmedia by building the first visual components and webpages.
Keep Calm, do as much as you can, but keep in mind that you have up to 7 days to complete the challenge.
- React + Redux
- ES6+
- React Hooks
You can also use this lib create-react-app if you want to.
Use a wrapper for rest connection to the API (https://swapi.dev/documentation). You can use an existed one or create your own. You must connect and get data from PEOPLE, PLANETS and SPECIES
It's show time! Remember, build essencial components for each reusable part of your app, such us lists and detail infos.
Let's connect them all and create the webpages:
- display all people of the social media in a list, filtering and searching
- click on each person and open details (all attributes)
- display all planets
- click on each planet and open details (all attributes) and show all people vinculated with
- display all species
- click on each species and open details (all attributes) and show all people vinculated with
- There is no avatar in the API database, so, we would like to see how you implement a local storage of avatars.
- Add the capability of changing avatar
It would be great to see these libraries being used in your code, but we would love to know what you can suggest for us:
- A fake login web page using a JWT token strategy (http://jwt.io)
- Use of styled-componets (https://styled-components.com/)
- DOM testing (https://github.com/testing-library/react-testing-library)
- Code patterns (https://eslint.org/ and https://prettier.io)
- Vector Icon Set (https://fontawesome.com/)
- Clean Code
- Componetization
- Responsivity
- How far can you go through the challenge
- Bug count
- Testing