Features of SleekCV
- Storing all your CVs data in PostgreSQL database
- Uploading completely build CV to IPFS
- Easily Access your CVs from anywhere
- Generating PDF from Simple Form
- Customizing order of sections in your CV
- Github Authentication (Easy Login) - NextAuth (Integration with Prisma)
- 2 different CV templates
- 2 different Font Family (Times Roman and Helvetica)
uuid: string,
user_profile_id: string,
profile: {
name: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
linkedin: string,
portfolio: string,
education: {
id: number;
institution: string;
title: string;
location: string;
period: string;
experience: {
title: string,
company: string,
location: string,
start_date: string,
end_date: string,
description: string[],
skills: {
languages: string[],
frameworks_libraries: string[],
databases: string[],
developer_tools: string[],
projects: {
title: string,
description: string[],
duration: string,
link: string,
tech_stack: string[],
achievements: {
title: string,
description: string,
date: string,
references: {
name: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
description: string,
Clone the repo
Install dependencies
Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following variables
Run the following commands
- yarn
- yarn dev
- yarn prisma migrate dev / npx prisma db push
- yarn prisma generate / npx prisma generate
To check the database schema, run the following command
- yarn prisma studio