React Hooks Workshop - Favorite Pokemon

Running the app

Presentation link -

To run the app:

npm i --force

npm start

Screen Recording 2022-06-19 at 18 50 39



Search for TODO 1 in the code, currently the dialog of choosing a pokemon will close only if you'll click a pokemon or the close button, implement useClickOutside and use it so any click outside of the modal will close it


Search for TODO 2 in the code, currently your app can encounter some exception, if you'll start a search and close it before the request is over, react will try to update an unmounted component state and fail and that will cause an exception, implement useIsMounted to make this exception to go away



Search for TODO 3 in the code, currently after every refresh your favorite pokemomn reset to pikachu, implement useLocalStorage to save your choice on the local storage


Search for TODO 4 in the code, currently on any change of the search a request is sent, implement useDebounce to debounce the search text in order to solve that and reduce unnecessary requests Screen Recording 2022-06-19 at 19 03 56


Search for TODO 5 in the code, You'll see a console.log that indicates that one of our components re-renders a lot without a reason, fix those re-renders using the tools you got in the lecture.


If needed, you can find the workshop solution here