Monday Hero Starter Project

Starter project description ......................

Project Documentation


  • .........

Getting Started

Welcome to the Monday Hero Starter Project documentation!

System Requirements

  • flutter sdk version must 2.0.0 or later.
  • dart sdk version must be 2.12.0 or later.

If the required SDKs are not installed, you can install them from the


Step 1: Clone the repository

Step 2:

Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies:

flutter pub get

Step 3: Build & Run the project

flutter run lib/main.dart

Directory Structure

├── mondayhero-starter-project
   ├── assets
   │   ├── fonts                          # Fonts directory (.otf, .ttf)
   │   │   ├── **.otf
   │   │   ├── **.ttf
   │   │   └─── ...
   │   │
   │   ├── images                         # Images directory (.svg, .png, .jpg)
   │   └── translations
   │       ├── en-US.json                 # English translation (.json)
   │       └── mh_generated               # Monday Hero Generated translations directory
   │           └── en-US.json
   ├── lib
   │   ├── core
   │   │   └── localization
   │   │       └── mh_localization_asset_loader.dart
   │   │
   │   ├── design-system
   │   │   └── components                  # Created custom components
   │   │       └─── ...
   │   │
   │   ├── route
   │   │   └── app_router.dart
   │   │   └── app_routes.dart                  
   │   │
   │   ├── main.dart                       # App start
   │   │
   │   └── theme                           # App theme configuration directory
   │       ├── app_colors.dart
   │       ├── app_text_styles.dart
   │       └── mh_generated                # Monday Hero Generated theme files
   │           ├── mh_app_colors.dart      # Colors used in the design document
   │           └── mh_app_text_styles.dart # Text styles used in the design document
   └── pubspec.yaml                        # Includes project name, version, environment, dependencies, assets path, fonts etc.


  • Colors
  • Text Styles


The colors generated by MondayHero are in the MHGeneratedColors (lib/theme/mh_generated/mh_app_colors.dart) class. Use AppColors (lib/theme/app_colors.dart) class to use and change colors.

Using Colors:

Step 1: import àpp_colors.dart

import 'package:mondayhero_starter_project/theme/app_colors.dart';

Step 2: Use appColors static instance for accessing colors.

Container(color: appColors.{colorName})
Update Generated Colors:

Step 1: Override generated color in the AppColors class.

class AppColors extends MHAppColors {
  Color get anchor => const Color(0xFFFFAAFF);

Text Styles

The text styles generated by MondayHero are in the MHGeneratedTextStyles (lib/theme/mh_generated/mh_app_text_styles.dart) class. Use AppTextStyles (lib/theme/app_text_styles.dart) class to use and change text styles.

Using Text Styles:

Step 1: import app_text_styles.dart

import 'package:mondayhero_starter_project/theme/app_text_styles.dart';

Step 2: Use appTextStyles static instance for accessing colors.

Text('Monday Hero', style: appTextStyles.{styleName})
Update Generated Text Styles:

Step 1: Override generated text style in the AppTextStyles class.

class AppTextStyles extends MHAppTextStyles {
  TextStyle textStyle({Color? color}) => TextStyle(fontSize: 21.0, color: color);

Customize Project

Localization (i18n)

The localization package (easy_localization) is installed in the starter project. By default, en-US locale is set.

Add New Translation

Step 1: Go to assets/translations folder and duplicate en-US.json and rename as below.

└── translations
    ├── en-US.json  
    ├── {languageCode}.{ext}                  // only language code, without curly braces
    └── {languageCode}-{countryCode}.{ext}    // or full locale code, without curly braces

Step 2: Go to main.dart file and add new locale to supported locales array.

      supportedLocales: const [
        Locale('en', 'US'),
        Locale('{languageCode}'),                // only language code, without curly braces
        Locale('{languageCode}', '{countryCode}'), // or full locale code, without curly braces
      path: 'assets/translations',
      assetLoader: const MHLocalizationAssetLoader(),
      fallbackLocale: const Locale('en', 'US'),
      child: const MyApp(),

Localization Usage

Example translation file: en-US.json

  "title": "Monday Hero",
  "login": "Login",

Step 1: import localization package.

import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
Text('title'.tr()) // Output: "Monday Hero"

Update Project Name

Project Name (Android)
Project Name (iOS)

Update Bundle/Application Id

Application Id (Android)
Bundle Id (iOS)