
Browser automation for Golang using Selenium and Cucumber

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

This package provides Cucumber steps for Browser automation.


go get github.com/monde/browsersteps


  1. Create cucumber features in your project's /features folder.
  2. Use this repository example/example_tests.go file as main_test.go in your project.
  3. Execute Selenium Server.
  4. Run godog or go test.

Testing (this project/module)

Examples assumes local Selenium server is running and chromedriver is installed your milage may vary.

OSX brew installation.

  • brew install selenium-server-standalone
  • brew install chromedriver

Run Selenium in one shell.

$ selenium-server -port 4444

Run the tests in another shell.

$ SELENIUM_URL="" go test -v



The monde/browsersteps package is cleaned up for go modules. It is a fork of tjipbv/jumba-browsersteps which is a fork of llonchj/browsersteps.