
Container orchestration system for fleet

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Kaylee is a container management system built on top of fleet and etcd as a lightweight alternative to kubernetes or nomad.


Kaylee is written in go an consists of single binary for both cli and server.

Server reads a configuration from etcd and schedules/destroys units in fleet based on changes. Units are scheduled with prefix k2: and wont affect other units, so it could be used safely with regular systemd ones.

Getting started


Example unit

Unit file is a yaml file describing the job.

Sample unit file:

# vim: ts=2:sw=2
name: countly
replicas: 4
maxReplicasPerHost: 2
- name: MONGO_URL
  value: mongodb://mongo-1.lan,mongo-2.lan,mongo-3.lan/countly?replicaSet=main
- ssd=false
- --dns=
- --net=flannel,default
- image: docker://monder/countly-docker:latest
- image: monder.cc/rkt-sidekick:v0.0.3
  - --cidr
  - --interval 10m
  - --expireDir /services
  - --format '$$ip:80'
  - /services/countly/${KAYLEE_ID}
  • The above file will scheule 4 fleet units (replicas: 4).
  • Fleet units will have 2 unique hashes in the name as well as a Conflicts section to allow maximum 2 (maxReplicasPerHost: 2) units per host.
  • The ExecStart of the unit will have a rkt run command with --dns= and --net= arguments as well as two applications - docker://monder/countly-docker:latest and monder.cc/rkt-sidekick:v0.0.3 with cpecified arguments.
  • Additionally it will pass environment variables specified in env as -e docker arguments. ssd=false will be added to X-Fleet as MachineMetadata.

Please see the Units for full specification.

Run a server

kaylee server 

Optional arguments:

   --fleet-prefix "/_coreos.com/fleet/"	keyspace for fleet data in etcd
   --unit-prefix "k2"			prefix for units in fleet
   --etcd-endpoints ","	a comma-delimited list of etcd endpoints
   --etcd-prefix "/kaylee2"					a keyspace for unit data in etcd
   --help, -h								show help
   --version, -v							print the version

Server connects and interacts with fleet via etcd api.

If mutiple instances of server are running the leader election will take place and only one will be active. At least 2 servers should be used in production to provide high-availability.


When the server is running, the same application could be used to schedule the units. --etcd-endpoints and --etcd-prefix should be specified to connect to the same cluster.

  • kaylee run <unit file> schedules the unit or updates an existing one with the same name. File name does not matter.
  • kaylee ls lists scheduled unit names
  • kaylee restart <unit name> reschedules the unit without any changes


Each unit consists of one yaml file with name and other options.

name: api
replicas: 2                 # Number of instances to scheule. Default: 1
maxReplicasPerHost: 1       # Maximum number of instances on this unit on the host. Optional.
envFiles:                   # Files to load environment variables from. Optional.
- /etc/environment
env:                        # Array of environment variables. Optional
- name: SOME_VAR
  value: some_value
machine:                    # Array of machine fleet constraints.
- ssd=true
- region=eu-west-1
machineId: 'b15ba...'       # Id of the machine. If specified - other constrains and number of replicas wont work.
args:                       # Additional arguments to pass to rkt command
- --dns=
global: false               # Make this unit global. Number of replicas wont work in this configuration
conflicts:                  # Additional fleet constraints if any. Added to X-Fleet/Conflicts with kaylee unit naming.
- 'mongo-n*'                # Will add k2:mongo-n*:*.service to X-Fleet/Conflicts
apps:                       # Array of applications to lauch as part of a single pod
- image: docker://mongo:3.2 # Image name/location/hash
- image: monder.cc/rkt-sidekick:v0.0.3
  cmd: /bin/rkt-sidekick    # Override command (--exec)
  args:                     # Arguments to pass to this particular application
  - --cidr
  - --interval 10m
  - --expireDir /services
  - --format '$$ip:80'      # Note the escaping of $
  - /services/mongo/${KAYLEE_ID} # KAYLEE_ID environment variable is unique for each run
- source: /mnt/efs/aaa      # Path on host
  path: /etc/confd          # Path in container

Scheduling a unit

For CI purposes it is possible to schedule units without using CLI. Scheduling or updating a unit coul be one by creating/updating an entry under /kaylee2/units/ in etcd with content of the unit file in JSON format. For example the sample above is the entry /kaylee2/units/countly with content below:

{"name":"countly","replicas":4,"maxReplicasPerHost":2,"env":[{"name":"MONGO_URL","value":"mongodb://mongo-1.lan,mongo-2.lan,mongo-3.lan/countly?replicaSet=main"}],"apps":[{"image":"docker://monder/countly-docker:latest"},{"image":"monder.cc/rkt-sidekick:v0.0.3","args":["--cidr","--interval 10m","--expireDir /services","--format '$$ip:80'","/services/countly/${KAYLEE_ID}"]}],"args":["--dns=","--net=flannel,default"],"machine":["ssd=false"]}


It is possible to setup automatic volume mounting per container. There are two options:


This approach requires all instances to have a systemd teplate unit. e.g to mount AWS EBS volumes, you can create a unit named ebs@.service:

ExecStart=/var/lib/kaylee/plugins/volumes/ebs -f ext4 %i
ExecStop=/var/lib/kaylee/plugins/volumes/ebs -u %i

Then the units with volume driver systemd-mountservice-ebs:

- id: vol-a7039121
  driver: systemd-mountservice-ebs
  source: data
  path: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data

Will have a systemd dependency on ebs@vol-a7039121.service that will be automatically started and stoped by systemd


