Start client

> cd flow-client && electron .


Flow server


Test server locally:

> cd flow-server && ssh -L 27017:  -L 9200: -i ./config/elasticsearch-ec2.pem

This will open a reverse tunnel from the server's MongoDB, and Elastic Search services, and makes them available locally. Next, open another terminal, and:

> cd flow-server && node flowserver.js

Then open your browser at

Start server locally cd into flow-server

> node flowserver.js --host --port 10000

Run this command before pushing to the server. This command will show errors locally.


Installer code

** Installer on Mac:

> npm install electron-packager -g
> cd flow-installer
> ./

This will build the full app into flow-installer/FlowApp-darwin-x64

** Installer on Windows

> npm install electron-packager -g
> cd flow-installer
> ./build-windows.bat

** Uploading an install: `> node upload.js

This will automatically figure out the platform, and upload the generated setup


API docs:

  • /api/login

authenticates a user; parameters: email & code

  • /api/search

Search for assets; parameters are:

  • code : user authentication code
  • tags : array of tags to be searched for
  • author : display only results from author

to view log files in server: run: forever list get file path run: tail -f file_path

to restart server go into www/ and rerun run: ./ start