
FatFs implementation on PIC18 / PIC24

Primary LanguageC

FatFs implementation on PIC18 / PIC24

Compilers Used: XC8 v1.35 and XC16 v1.24 (free mode) + MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) plugin. For previous compiler versions check the project tags

PICs Tested: PIC18F25K20, PIC18F46K22, PIC18F87K90, PIC24FJ64GA002

PIC Requirements:

  • SPI (MSSP)
  • 1K RAM or greater
  • 32K ROM or greater

FatFs Version: R0.11a (September 5, 2015)

How To Build: (View YouTube video)

  • Create a standalone PIC18 / PIC24 project on MPLABX using the XC8 / XC16 compiler
  • Open the MCC following the menu route Tools -> Embedded -> MPLAB Code Configurator
  • On Project Resources click on System, configure the system clock and the device's configuration bits
  • In the Device Resources, choose MSSP and pick the SPI port that will be used, double-click on SPI Master
  • On Project Resources click on the MSSP SPI that was just added, change the SPI mode to 0 and choose a clock source that provides a SPI clock between 100-400KHz
  • Click on the + sign right next to the Initialize combo box, another function named InitializeNew will be added, change that name to Open and change the SPI mode to 0
  • In the Device Resources, choose GPIO and double click on GPIO::GPIO
  • On Project Resources click on the GPIO that was just added, right-click on the pin that will be used as the SD chip select and click on the popup menu option.
  • Set the pin to output, select it as Start High and change the custom name to SD_CS
  • Click on the Generate Code button, when asked to create a main.c file choose No
  • Copy the repo's files to the project's folder
  • Select the Projects tab, right-click on Header Files, choose Add Existing Item, select all .h files and click on the Select button
  • Right-click on Source Files, choose Add Existing Item, select all .c files and click on the Select button
  • Open the mcc.c file on the MCC Generated Files and remove the SPI Initialize call from the SYSTEM_Initialize function
  • Edit the configuration files according to your needs and build. For PIC24 remember to change the main function type from void to int and add a return -1; to the end of the function. Also on ffconf.h define WORD_ACCESS as 0 (byte-by-byte address)

Configuration Files:

  • ffconf.h: FatFs configuration options
  • diskio.h: SPI port configuration. If your device only has one master synchronous serial port (MSSP) module, set the _SD_SPI definition to 0, else set it to 1 or 2 according to the SPI port you are using

FatFs Homepage: http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html

All credits to ChaN for this amazing library. If for some reason you need to contact me send me an e-mail to mondul@huyzona.com