
WHOIS client for Node

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status


WHOIS client for Node that returns raw whois data.

If you would like nicely parsed whois data you should consider using https://github.com/moneals/whois-parsed

This was rewritten in javascript based off code at https://github.com/FurqanSoftware/node-whois



$ npm install -g whois


whois [options] address

  -s, --server   whois server                         [default: null]
  -f, --follow   number of times to follow redirects  [default: 0]
  -p, --proxy    SOCKS proxy                          [default: null]
  -v, --verbose  show verbose results                 [default: false]
  -b, --bind     bind to a local IP address           [default: null]
  -h, --help     display this help message            [default: false]


$ npm install whois


var whois = require('whois')
whois.lookup('google.com', function(err, data) {

You may pass an object in between the address and the callback function to tweak the behavior of the lookup function:

	"server":  "",   // this can be a string ("host:port") or an object with host and port as its keys; leaving it empty makes lookup rely on servers.json
	"follow":  2,    // number of times to follow redirects
	"timeout": 0,    // socket timeout, excluding this doesn't override any default timeout value
	"verbose": false // setting this to true returns an array of responses from all servers
	"bind": null     // bind the socket to a local IP address
	"proxy": {       // (optional) SOCKS Proxy
            host: '',
            port: 9999,
            userId: "optional",
            password: "optional",
            type: 5,     // or 4


npm test


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.