Comparison of key images between new v7 and old v6 chains

All transactions and their key images in the v7 chain were compared with those in the old v6 chain (blockchain which did not upgrade to v7). The comparison covers a period of about 2 weeks and 2 days; blocks from 1546000 (the Monero upgrade to v7) (1546000) till 1557549 (for v6) and 1557059 (for v7).

So far, there have been 17,263 identical key images and 1,739 identical transactions identified between the chains. For the v6 chain, these represent about 64.1% of total number of key images and 29.3% transactions since the Monero upgrade. For the v7 chain, the percentages are %9.4 and 2.2% respectively. Coinbase transactions were not counted.

Additional data based on this comment:

There are 1208 unique transactions on the v7 chain that are different from those in v6, and have at least one reused key. This represent ~1.6% of the txs analysed in the v7 chain (coinbase transactions not counted). The csv file with the list of these 1208 transactions is here.

Examples of identical key images

Example 1

Screenshot: (a single shared ring member marked)

Example 2

Screenshot: (multiple shared ring members marked)

Examples of identical transactions

Screenshot: (since these transactions are identical, except block number, key images and all ring members are same)

Full results

The csv file with complete list of identical key images and transactions found:

Screenshot of a part of the csv file:


Please take this analysis for what it is. I’m not claiming that these findings are good or bad for Monero, nor even that this analysis is accurate, reliable and mistake-free.