- 2
- 1
Do notation implementation
#236 opened by apoberejnyi - 0
- 7
Type 'V' does not satisfy the constraint '{}'
#254 opened by cyrildever - 0
Is it wrong to call "run()" two times in a row?
#253 opened by Djordjenp - 1
[request for help] - casting right type on left
#251 opened by stefaanMLB - 0
Missing type guard argument on fromFalsy
#252 opened by tvedtorama - 0
- 12
Maybe.fromEmpty is not yet added to src/monet.d.ts
#228 opened by xanonid - 3
- 28
does .ap work correctly?
#206 opened by overflowz - 3
List.nth or similar
#229 opened by pvarga-dni - 10
Maybe.filter should work as type guard
#235 opened by tvedtorama - 0
- 2
Applicative.apOn(value: Applicative<V>) proposal.
#232 opened by iLikeKoffee - 1
Rollup error - "is not exported by..."
#227 opened by moczniak - 5
Maybe from null map error
#208 opened by pedroth - 6
#222 opened by wookieb - 7
Either from exception
#210 opened by rparree - 1
*.isInstance returns "truthy" value for every monad
#220 opened by wookieb - 2
Understanding the reader monad
#160 opened - 2
Maybe.None() === Maybe.None() => false
#216 opened by damiengarbarino - 3
#213 opened by customcommander - 1
Monad transformers with mapT, flatMapT and else
#205 opened by saltylight - 3
[Discussion] Why are you offering so many aliases?
#173 opened by tho-graf - 0
How to use chain function in IO Monad
#204 opened by Sylvenas - 1
Pair monad implementation
#178 opened by tonisostrat - 1
support ESObserables as Streams
#145 opened by graingert - 3
Reader.bind doesn't seem to chain context properly?
#192 opened by christav - 1
Add 'orElseLazy' to Maybe
#195 opened by ulfryk - 5
Error: Provide polyfill or use up to date browser/node version to use "Iterable" protocol
#186 opened by aslack19 - 0
Use some bundler library (Rollup or WebPack)
#181 opened by ulfryk - 5
Will there be a v0.9.0 publish
#168 opened by mingchuno - 0
Fix `.join` in NEL
#154 opened by ulfryk - 6
- 3
I dont know is it real issue or not :)
#169 opened - 5
Use in node?
#166 opened by manndave - 4
Missing methods
#163 opened by carlesba - 0
Incomplete documentation with Free mond
#161 opened by Mikejonesab12 - 4
Trouble having monet function with webpack
#158 opened by binyata - 2
issues when using monet in typescript
#157 opened by albertywu - 1
Maybe.Just declaration is wrong in documentation
#156 opened by tryshchenko - 0
- 4
#132 opened by jh3141 - 1
areEqual() and equals()() functions
#146 opened by jh3141 - 23
Monet crashes TypeScript compiler 2.4+
#144 opened by Rikmorn - 1
- 2
- 12
- 4